Keywords are a vital part of the crew hiring process. Depending on which Master or Henchman you select
as your Leader, you can hire any characters that share any Keywords with them regardless of their
faction for no extra cost. Anything hired outside of Keyword that does not have the Versatile
characteristic costs +1 extra soulstone.
Masters are the most powerful characters in the game with many strong and unique actions and abilities.
They're most often seen leading a crew, but can be hired alongside other characters to make your crew
even more daunting.
"Upgrade Cards represent special options for your Crew. This could be specialized spells prepared just
for the battle, unique or rare equipment, or special tactics."
-Malifaux Rules Manual
-Malifaux Rules Manual
Alts & Promos
Many characters have alternate and special edition models that can only be obtained outside of their
normal boxes.