Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Banasuva - What Height are Ice Pillars placed by Banasuva’s Demise (Elemental Breakdown) Ability?
A. Height 4. All Markers of a single name share all of the same terrain traits.
Q. Gluttony - Can Gluttony choose a Strategy Marker for the Cost of its Maddening Drums Action?
A. No. Choosing a Strategy Marker is a way of affecting it, along with targeting, moving, removing, selecting, counting, etc. Noeffects can affect Strategy Markers unless the effect specifies it can.
Q. Does Hard to Kill reduce the damage taken for the purposes of irreducible damage?
A. No. Hard to Kill prevents a model’s Health from being reduced and does not reduce damage.
Q. Are the effects of Home on the Range cumulative?
A. Yes. For example, if a Crew contains 6 models with the Home on the Range Ability, each of those 6 models could deploy 6" past their Deployment Zone
Q. Cruel Disappointment - If a model would suffer damage from the Red Joker (Severe +1), does it still reduce the damage to Moderate?
A. Yes. The model would only suffer Moderate damage. Although the Red Joker deals an amount of damage equal to Severe +1, itcounts as dealing Severe damage for the purposes of any rules which reference damage categories.
Q. Gunfighter - When treating a
Action as having a range of
1", is the Action still treated as a (
) Action?
A. No. The entire range of the Action changes from
X" to
Q. Is damage from Blade Rush treated as damage from the Charge Action?
A. No. The damage from Blade Rush is generated by the Ability as a result of taking the Action, not the Action itself.
Q. Manipulative - Is a model treated as having Activated during its own Activation for the Turn?
A. No. During Step C.3 of a model’s Activation (pg. 21) is when it is treated as “having Activated” for the Turn. Any Actions against a model with Manipulative during Steps C.1 & C.2 of its Activation still suffer the
from Manipulative.
Q. Woe - If a model gained the Stunned Condition while within
6 of three different models with Misery, does it suffer the effects of Misery three times?
A. No, it would only suffer the effects from Misery once for each time it gains the specified Condition while in range. Each model with Misery can only affect a model gaining the Condition once per Activation. As Misery is a “may” Ability, the player controlling the models with Misery chooses which model will affect the target for each Condition gained.
Q. Torment - If a model gains an Upgrade during the same Activation it was damaged by a model with Torment, will the model with Torment draw a card at the end of the Activation?
A. Yes. At the end of a model with the Torment Ability’s Activation, it checks all models it damaged during that Activation. If any models damage currently have an Upgrade, the model with Torment will draw a card
Q. Fade Away - Can a model declare the Df/Wp (
) Fade Away
Trigger while Buried, using it to reduce damage suffered by 2?
A. Yes.
Q. Challenge - Is the effect of the Challenge Action cumulative?
A. Yes. A model can be under the effect of two different Challenge Actions provided they are generated from different models.
Q. Journalist - If a model takes the Interact Action while within 2” of a friendly model with Exclusive Interview, does it still count as an enemy model for the purposes of that model’s Chasing a Story Ability, if any?
A. Yes. Exclusive Interview makes the alignment of the model both friendly and enemy for the duration of the Interact Action, thus effects that resolve exclusively for enemies and for friendlies would both resolve (though the Action is still only considered enemy-controlled). If the model drops a Marker, it is friendly to the player controlling it.
Q. Can Ophelia use the Plink! Ability multiple times by discarding multiple Upgrades with the Plink! Ability?
A. No. The Plink! Ability does not stack and can only be used once for each instance of damage a model suffers. When using the Plink! Ability, Ophelia can remove any one Attached Upgrade to reduce the damage she suffered by 1.
Q. Charles Hoffman - Is irreducible damage treated as ignoring a model’s Armor Ability for the purposes of C. Hoffman’s Temper Steel Trigger?
A. Yes. As such, a model under the effects of Charles Hoffman’s Temper Steel Trigger would still apply the effects of its Armor Ability when suffering irreducible damage.
Q. Enraged by the Mage – If a Witchling Thrall uses its Drawn to Pain defensive trigger to Push towards an enemy, then uses Sonnia’s Enraged by the Mage Ability to take a yAction, can that yAction declare Triggers?
A. Yes
Q. Killjoy - If Killjoy would be killed while it is Buried, does his Demise (Immortal Soil) Ability resolve, thus Healing Killjoy 4?
A. Yes. If Killjoy was killed by reducing his Health to 0 while Buried, he would still Heal, though the Bury is ignored.
Q. Are the Ice Pillar Markers generated by the Frozen Domain Trigger counted as an “Ice Pillar Created this way” for the purposes of the Rune-Etched Ice Action’s effect?
A. Yes. This Trigger is being used to alter the effect of the Action, thus the second Ice Pillar Marker is Created before the
effect of Rune-Etched Ice is resolved.
Q. Hannah Lovelace - Can the Adaptive Tactics Action be used to take a General Tactical Action?
A. No. General Actions (while available to be taken by every model) are not specific to a model and are not one of that model’sActions.
Q. Jack Daw - If Jack Daw suffers irreducible damage, can the Undying Ability still be used to change the damage suffered to 1?
A. Yes. Undying does not reduce damage suffered but instead changes the damage suffered to 1.
Q. If Leveticus is taking the Sanguine Evocations Action while he has 2 or less Health, can he choose to discard 2 or more cards, even though the damage from the Action would kill him?
A. Yes. While models cannot choose to suffer damage that would kill them; in the Sanguine Evocations Action, Leveticus is not choosing to suffer any damage and is instead choosing how many cards to discard.
Q. Gravedigger - Can Corpse Markers being used as Scheme Markers via Field of Corpses be used as a Corpse and Scheme Marker within 1" of each other for the Dig their Graves Scheme?
A. No, Dig Their Graves requires the Corpse and Scheme Markers to be different Markers.
Q. Wandering River Style - When using the Four Winds Punch Action, Markers are removed and then Dropped again. Do these markers change Alignment (friendly/enemy)?
A. No. The Markers Dropped by this Action are the same as those removed and do not change Alignment when removed.
Q. Gwyneth Maddox - Does the Luck Thief Ability apply before or after
modifiers cancel each other out?
A. Before. Modifiers to a duel (such as from Focused, Concealment, etc.) are generated during Step A of performing duels (pg. 10). Luck Thief immediately applies to any
modifier generated changing it to a
modifier. Then, the duel proceeds to Step B, at which point
modifiers would normally cancel each other out.
Q. Lone Swordsman - If the Lone Swordsman takes the Last Breath Action twice in an Activation targeting the same model, are the effects cumulative?
A. No. However, if The Lone Swordsman targets two different models with the Last Breath Action in the same Activation, it would resolve the effects of both actions separately.
Q. If model Z is controlling model X’s Action and that Action generates a new Action, does model Z control the new Action?
A. Yes, model Z would control the generated Action and any subsequently generated Actions, but if the controlled model is ever resisting an opposed duel, it is always controlled by its owner (not necessarily its controller).
Q. Does the Accuracy Fate modifier (pg. 24) apply to variable flips generated from an Action’s Trigger?
A. Yes. All variable flips (damage, healing, etc.) that are generated by an opposed duel have that duel’s Accuracy Fate modifier applied to them, including those duels in which a model relents as well as Resistance Triggers.
Q. If an Action does not require or ignores LoS, are sight lines for the Action still drawn to determine Cover and Concealment?
A. No. If an Action does not require LoS, sight lines aren’t drawn. However, Cover and Concealment can still be gained from other effects such as Bodyguard and Sputtering Exhaust.
Q. If a Trigger has a Cost, is that Cost required to declare the Trigger?
A. No. Costs aren’t required as a function of declaring a Trigger and are paid at the same time as declaring a Trigger. However, should a Cost not be paid, any effects from that Trigger (and those effects produced as a result of declaring the Trigger) are ignored. As such, if a model is required to declare a Trigger, they must declare the Trigger (if able) and then if it has a Cost the Cost must be paid. Otherwise, the Trigger has no effect.
Q. If a model suffers damage from a Trigger, is that damage considered to also be from the Action that generated the Trigger?
A. Yes. Effects from Triggers are additional effects of the Action. Thus, Abilities such as Incorporeal that modify the effects of certain Actions would also modify the effects of their Triggers.
Q. Are two Abilities that are prefaced by the same text (before parenthesis) the same Ability?
A. No. Abilities such as Demise (Eternal) and Demise (Dead Horse) are two separate Abilities and can both affect a model at a single time. There are some effects that specify Demise Abilities, which affect all abilities prefaced by Demise.
Q. When determining how much damage a model suffered from an effect (for purposes such as the Necrotic Decay Trigger), is damage reduction accounted for?
A. Yes. Whenever an effect is referring to the amount of damage a model suffered from an effect, it is always referring to the amount the model’s Health was lowered in Step 4 of Damage Timing (pg. 34). It is important to note a model’s Health can never be reduced below 0. As such, excess damage past 0 is not treated as damage suffered by the model.
Q. If a model is killed from an outside effect (such as End Phase Condition Damage or being Buried at the end of the Game), who is it treated as killed by?
A. No one. If a model dies from an effect not generated by a model, no model or player is treated as having killed it.
Q. If a model is killed from falling damage, who is it treated as killed by?
A. The model that generated the move which caused the killed model to fall is treated as killing the model.
Q. If an effect prevents a model from Dropping Markers when killed, would it Drop Markers as a result of Demise Abilities such as Demise (Excess Material)?
A. No.
Q. Can a model leave engagement through any movement other than the Walk Action?
A. Yes. The only effect that restricts a model from leaving an enemy model’s engagement range is the Walk Action. Other move effects (provided they can be used while engaged) may be used to freely leave an enemy model’s engagement range.
Q. Can Once per Activation effects occur outside an Activation, such as during the Start or End Phases?
A. No. Effects that are restricted to Once per Activation can only be used during a model’s Activation, i.e. Steps C.1 – C.4 of the Activation phase (pg. 21).
Q. If a model would ignore the effects of a Shockwave Action, does it still take a duel to resist the Shockwave?
A. No.
Q. If a Shockwave Action is centered on a model (from an effect such as Wong’s Uncontrollable Magic), does that model suffer the effects of the Shockwave?
A. No. In such cases, Shockwave Markers aren’t dropped and instead the Shockwave is generated as a
centered on the model, which (as per Pulses pg. 31) does not affect the object from which the
is centered.
Q. When taking a Shockwave Action, during what Step is the Shockwave Marker Dropped?
A. Step c of the Action – Targeting (pg 23). Some Triggers, such as Cataclysm, may Drop additional Shockwave Markers when resolving the Action. These markers are Dropped before resolving the effects of the Shockwave Action.
Q. If an effect of a model has the “Once per X” restriction that says the model “may” do something, can it choose not to in order to avoid using its “Once per X” limit?
A. Yes. Effects that say a model “may” do something are optional for a player and can always be forgone should a player not wish to activate the effect.
Q. If a Trigger affects a model or Marker within X", does this require Line of Sight?
A. No. LoS is not require for measuring distance between models for effects unless specified otherwise (such as an
or declaring the target of an Action).
Q. If during Step 1 of a model’s Activation (pg. 21 - resolving Start of Activation effects) if it would be affected by a new Start of Activation effect (such as by moving into another friendly model’s Healing Draughts’
) does it resolve the new effect?
A. No. Effects that resolve when a model Activates in Step 1 (such as On the Move, Life Leech, Goad Witchling, etc.) are generated at the start of Step 1 before resolving any effects. If a model would generate another effect that would normally resolve during this step, the effect is not generated.
Q. Are Bete Noire and Bête Noire the same model?
A. Yes; accent marks are ignored when determining the name of a model.
Q. When do “At the end of each Turn” effects on Strategies resolve?
A. Effects on Strategies that refer to “At the end of each Turn” always resolve during Step B of the End Phase (Pg. 21).
Q. If an effect has “not within X" and LoS of...” as a qualifying statement, are these two clauses independent or one qualifying statement?
A. One Statement. X" and LoS both need to be met for the qualifying statement of within X" and LoS to be true. As such, either (not within X" or not within LoS) can be used to claim a model is not within X" and LoS.
Q. Does damage reduction (such as from Shielded) prevent paying Costs such as “this model suffers 1 damage”?
A. No. When a model pays a Cost to suffer damage, that Cost is considered paid before resolving damage timing. After paying that Cost, the model would resolve the normal steps of damage timing (applying any damage reduction during Step 3).
Q. Can a model that “ignores other models” when moving leave an enemy model’s engagement range using the Walk Action?
A. No. Ignoring other models only allows a model to move through other models, it does not ignore other aspects of those models, such as engagement range
Q. Can a model leave an enemy model’s engagement range during the Walk Action by breaking LoS with the enemy model?
A. No. If a model is taking the Walk Action, it cannot at any point during the Action become unengaged with a model it was previously engaged with during the Action.
Q. Can a model take the Interact Action to remove all Scheme Markers in base contact if there are no Scheme Markers in base contact with it?
A. Yes. The Interact would resolve with no Markers being removed.
Q. Some Actions have listed effects that are two distinct impacts on a model, such as “Target suffers 2/3/4 damage and is Pushed up to 3" in any direction.” Are these two distinct impacts considered separate effects?
A. Yes. In the above instance, these are separate effects that resolve independently. These effects are always resolved one at a time in the order presented in the text. If a model is killed (and removed) from the first of these effects, any following effects (such as being Pushed, discarding cards, etc.) are ignored.
Q. Can a model take a Bonus (
) Action outside of an Activation?
A. No. Like all effects that are Once per Activation, Bonus (
) Actions cannot be taken outside of a model’s Activation (such as during the Start or End Phases)
Q. Does the Stat of an Action include any Fate modifiers or suits printed next to the numerical value?
A. No. The Stat of an Action only ever refers to the numerical value listed in the Stat section. If a model takes a Action and has a specific Stat for that Action, it will still include any modifiers or suits added to that Action’s duel provided by the Action.
Q. While controlled by a friendly model, can an enemy model take the Interact Action to place a friendly Scheme Marker within 4" of another friendly Scheme Marker?
A. No.
Q. If a model drawing LoS and range through another model (from an Ability such as Ice Mirror) takes the Interact Action to Drop a Scheme Marker into base contact with itself, can it drop that Marker in base contact with the model it is drawing LoS and range through?
A. No. The Marker is dropped in base contact with the model taking the Action, not the model from which LoS and range are drawn.
Q. Do all terrain pieces have a base?
A. Yes. All terrain used in Malifaux should be based in a way that it is clear to all players where a terrain piece starts and ends. If any Terrain’s base, is unclear players should determine its base before the start of the game.
Q. If a model is unaffected by Concealing Terrain, does it still gain Concealment from enemy Actions that draw LoS through that Concealing Terrain?
A. Yes. Being unaffected by Concealing Terrain does not prevent a model from gaining Concealment from enemy models drawing LoS through that terrain. Being unaffected by Concealing terrain allows the model to ignore the Concealing trait when it is drawing LoS to other models.
Q. If a model is generating an Aura of Hazardous Terrain around itself, do models within that Aura suffer the effects of the Hazardous Terrain if the model generating it moves?
A. No.
Q. If a model removes a Hazardous Terrain Marker in the same Action that it moved through the Marker, does it suffer the effects of the Terrain Marker’s Hazardous trait?
A. Yes. The effects of Hazardous Terrain apply to a model after resolving an Action regardless of it the terrain is still in play.
Q. If a terrain piece has both the Concealing and Dense Traits, does drawing LoS to the terrain grant Concealment to models partially blocked by the terrain.
A. Yes. Sight lines drawn into Dense and Concealing Terrain would still go into the terrain, though blocked, and thus would grant Concealment to the targeted model.
Q. What does “ignoring Terrain” mean?
A. A model that ignores Terrain ignores and is unaffected by all of that terrain’s traits. If the Terrain is Impassable, the model may move through (but not end in) the terrain as though it weren’t there.
Q. Corrupted Idols – can a model choose to kill itself by taking the Interact Action with a Strategy Marker?
A. No. A model can never chose to suffer damage that would reduce its Health to 0.
Q. If an effect of a model has the “Once per X” restriction that says the model “may” do something, can it choose not to in order to avoid using its “Once per X” limit?
A. Yes. Effects that say a model “may” do something are optional for a player and can always be forgone should a player not wish to activate the effect. However, other “Once per X” effects that do not say “may” must be used at the first opportunity and cannot be used again within the same limit.
Q. The word “another” is used in Malifaux in many different contexts, and while it can be determined primarily through such context, is there a more clear definition to use for non-native English speaker?
A. “Another” should always be determined based on the context of the sentence first, but in the cases where that is unclear the following method can be used. “Another” will refer to the objects other than most recent noun in the text that each fits within the restrictions of the phrase. For example, in Nekima’s Enraged by Insolence Action, “Another friendly Nephilim” will refer to “friendly Nephilim” other than the most recent noun (A friendly Nephilim killed within range), which can refer to any friendly Nephilim (including Nekima) other than the one that was killed. However, there are many instances in Actions or Triggers where no noun was used within the text prior to the “another” phrase, in which case “Another friendly (model)” will refer to models other than the model that is resolving the text, and other uses will refer to models other than the target of the current Action.
Q. Are Friendly and Enemy Scheme Markers considered different types of Markers, such as for Research Mission?
A. No. The type of Marker is Scheme, their Alignment (friendly/enemy) is the only difference.
Q. If a model is Staggered (or has Planted Roots) can it be moved by its own Actions that are controlled by another model?*
A. Yes. Actions such as Obey that allow to a model take an action aren’t directly moving it. Instead it is moving itself, but not under its own control.
Q. If a model’s Slow or Stunned Condition are ended during its Activation, by an effect such as Shrug Off, do the effects last for the rest of the Activation?
A. No. If Slow is removed, the model’s Action limit is immediately increased back to its normal value and the model may continue its Activation as normal. If Stunned is removed the Bonus Actions it has already taken that Activation no longer count towards its Action limit.
Q. What does it mean for a Push to be Interrupted?
A. A Push is interrupted if it stops short of its full distance moved for any reason. For Pushes that are “up to” a specific distance, that distance must be chosen before the model is moved and it is treated as Interrupted if it stops short of that distance chosen.
Q. If an effect allows a model to target models outside its range with a
Actions (such as from a Waldgeist’s Tangling Roots) or drawing LoS and range through another model for them (such as Zoraida’s Eyes in the Night), does this extend its engagement range?
A. No. Effects such as these that do not change the base range of the Action do not effect a model’s engagement range
Q. If a model would place an object “anywhere within range” of an Action, does it need to have LoS to that range?
A. Yes. The range of an Action includes LoS. The Sz of the object being Placed (or Dropped) “within range” is treated as Sz 0 for the purpose of determining if the model can Place that object in its LoS. The only exception to this is if a model is Placing itself, it does not need LoS. For example, Rasputina (Sz 2) could not take the Ice Pillars Action to Create an Ice Pillar (Ht 4) on the opposite side of a Ht 2 wall unless she can draw a sightline to the Created Ice Pillar that does not cross the wall. Similarly, if Euripides (Sz 4) takes the Rune-Etched Ice Action, he can only put the Created Ice Pillar (Ht 4) on the opposite side of a Ht 2 wall if the Marker is not in the wall’s shadow.
Q. If an effect such as Scamper which resolves “after the current Action or Ability” would be generated during an Ability within an Action when will it resolve, after the Ability or after the entire Action?
A. After resolving the entire Action. The timing of “After resolving the current Action or Ability” for Scamper (and other similarly worded effects) resolves when no Action or Ability is currently resolving. If there is any instance where this would resolve and there is no currently resolving Action or Ability, it resolves immediately
Q. If a model has multiple Abilities that resolve after it is targeted (such as Terrifying (X), Protected (X), or another model’s Take the Hit Ability) can it resolve more than one?
A. Yes. When a model is targeted all effects that would resolve are generated at the same time and can be resolved in any order (as per Simultaneous Effects on Pg 34). However, some effects may change the target of the Action, in which case that new model is not targeted and as such those effects aren’t generated a second time. Additionally, abilities such as Manipulative that affect Actions that target “this model” only apply to those Actions that are still targeting that model. For example, if a model with Take the Hit changes the target of an Action to itself, it would not benefit from any of the initial target’s Abilities such as Manipulative that require the Action to target “this model”, nor could it benefit from more of its own abilities that resolve when it is targeted (such as Terrifying).
Q. If a Trigger allows a model to take an Action instead of the Action’s normal effects (such as Marcus’s Hunter’s Call Trigger or Will of Cadmus’ Aggressive Control Trigger), can that Action declare Triggers?*
A. No. If an Action is generated by a Trigger, it cannot declare Triggers (Pg 12 Actions Generated by Triggers), even those Actions generated instead of the Action’s normal effects.
Q. If a model is generating Hazardous Terrain, and that Hazardous Terrain kills a model, is the model that is generating the Hazardous terrain considered to have killed the model?
A. No. Models killed by the effects of Hazardous Terrain aren’t treated as killed by any specific model.
Q. If a Concealing terrain piece has Ht, is its Concealing trait ignored by models of large Sz?
A. No. Concealing terrain is not affected by its own Ht as sight lines will still pass through the object as they are drawn from a topdown perspective.
Q. What does “ignoring vertical distance” mean?
A. If a model ignores vertical distance than it ignores Falling damage and while taking the Walk Action it can move vertically along Climbable Terrain without using any amount of its movement distance. This does not however allow a model to Push over terrain, as it would still need to break its movement into shorter distances.
Q. Ignored by Strategies and Schemes – If a model would become “ignored by Schemes and Strategies” such as by the effects of Dr. Grimwell’s Restraints Ability, is it considered killed by those Strategies and Schemes?
A. No. It is simply ignored. If it had a Strategy Token (such as a Lodestone Token), that token simply stays on them but has no effect. As normal, these “ignored” models cannot resolve effects of Strategies and Schemes such as Dropping Strategy Markers. However, other models still treat the model as having such a Token and can affect the token as normal, such as Interacting near an “ignored” model with a Lodestone Token to move the token off of them.
Q. Strategy Markers – Can a Strategy Marker be chosen or used by a player for Schemes that can choose/use any non-specified Marker?
A. Yes. While models can only affect Strategy Markers by those effects which are specifically called out in the Strategy, Schemes such as Research Mission and Death Beds which are effects of a player and not an individual model can choose/use them.
Q. Stealth – If a model is drawing LoS through another object to target a model with Stealth (via another Ability such as Zoraida’s Eyes in the Night), does the initial model taking the Action need to be within 6" of the target?
A. No. Only the object from which LoS is drawn needs to be within 6" of the targeted model with Stealth. This applies even if the Action itself would normally ignore range. Note: Stealth has no effect while a model is Buried.
Q. Seeker) – If a model that has full Health Heals, does it trigger the Chronicle Abilities of models around it?
A. No. Chronicle Abilities only resolve when a model “would Heal” because the model already has full Health and any additional Healing is ignored (see Healing Pg 25) making the Healing entirely ignored which is not considered Healing as its Health is not increased.
Q. Cadmus – If a model with We Are Legion has full Health and Heals, can it reduce the amount Healed and pass it to other nearby friendly Cadmus models? Can it pass this Healing to a model Healed by another We Are Legion effect this Activation?*
A. No. We Are Legion cannot be used if a model already is at full Health model as if a model has full Health any additional Healing is ignored (see Healing Pg 25). Additionally, We Are Legion cannot be used to Heal another model if that model has already been affected by We Are Legion that Activation, even if it was affected by a different model’s We Are Legion Ability as “this Ability” refers to all instances of We Are Legion across all models.
Q. Face in the Crowd - Face in the Crowd states: “If this model is within 3" of one or more models, it gains Cover”. Does this include itself?
A. No. For this specific Ability, this is a typo, and should read: “If this model is within 3" of one or more other models, it gains Cover”.
Q. Taggart Queeg – If a Guard Minion Activates within
4 of Queeg, does it Push (as per his Prison Superintendent) Ability immediately when it Activates?
A. Yes. Models affected by Queeg’s Prison Superintendent Ability push during Step 1 of their Activation (pg. 21). This effect is generated at the same time as any other effect worded “(When this model) Activates” and “Start of this model’s Activation”.
Q. Pandora – If Pandora uses her Self Loathing Action and chooses an Action that is Once per Activation, does Self Loathing itself become Once per Activation?
A. No. However, If Pandora were to choose a Once per Activation Action, she may not choose the same Action again in the same Activation.
Q. Hanged - If two Hanged are in an opposed duel and one (or both) flip or Cheat a Joker, how will their Forever Doomed Abilities resolve with each other?
A. The Active player resolves their Forever Doomed first, then the other player will resolve theirs. In such a case, if the Active player flips (or cheats) either Joker, it would be treated as the Black Joker and if the Defender would flip (or cheat) either Joker it would be treated as the Red Joker.
Q. Lamplighters – When a Lamp Marker becomes Lit, does this change its other terrain traits?
A. No. All Lamp Markers are Ht 4 and Concealing this does not change whether they are Dim or Lit. Additionally, Dim and Lit are not Terrain Traits but instead just a method of tracking the Lamplighter’s effects, so if another model would Create a Lamp Marker, that Marker would come into play Dim
Q. Will of Cadmus – Can a Cadmus model relent when targeted by an Action of a model under the effects of the Parasitic Grasp Ability?
A. No. Relenting requires both models to be friendly to each other (pg 10). Models under the effects of Parasitic Grasp do not treat enemy Cadmus models as friendly and as such neither model can relent in an opposed duel between the two.
Q. Grave Goo – If the Grave Goo is within Hazardous (Damage 1) Terrain, will its Trail of Slime Ability make the Terrain Hazardous (Damage 2 and Poison +1)?
A. No. The damage of the Hazardous is not cumulative so the terrain would just be Hazardous (Damage 1 and Poison +1). However, if it were standing in Hazardous (Poison +1) terrain, the effects would stack to Hazardous (Damage 1 and Poison +2).
Q. Malisarus Rex – Can the Malisarus Rex move itself while under the effects of its Territorial Trigger?
A. No. While under the effects of the Territorial Trigger it cannot be moved for any reason, by any model.
Q. Both the Burning and Poison Condition have a maximum damage of 5, can this damage be further increased by effect which increase the damage a model suffers from these conditions such as Alcohol Poisoning?
A. No. Effects such as Alcohol Poisoning directly increase the damage from the condition, which cannot be increased beyond its maximum of 5.
Q. If an Action’s Trigger lists a model by name, Summons a model, or Attaches an Upgrade is the action itself considered to do those same things for effects such as Obey?
A. No. However, the Trigger which lists a model by name, Summons a model, or Attaches an Upgrade is treated as blank and cannot be declared if the action was generated by an effect such as Obey.
Q. Many effects in the game refer to multiple Markers at a time such as “friendly Scheme or Web Markers”, in cases like this does friendly refer to both Scheme Markers and Web Markers or just Scheme Markers?
A. Both. Text written as “friendly X or Y Markers” is exactly the same as “friendly X Markers or friendly Y Markers”
Q. Titles – When are master titles chosen?
A. Master titles are chosen by players during Step G. of Encounter Setup – Hire Crew.
Q. Urami – Does the Vengeance ability resolve if a model uses the Take the Hit or Protected abilities to change the target of an Action to another model?
A. No. Being the target (noun) of an Action and being targeted (verb) by an Action are separate (though closely related). Take the Hit/Protected change the target(noun) of the Action without targeting (verb) a new model. Because Vengeance requires a model to be targeted (verb) it does not work when the target (Noun) of an action changes via other means.
Q. Colette Du Bois, Smuggler – If Colette, Smuggler targets a Mechanical Dove that was Summoned this Turn with the Routine Performance Action thus treating the Dove as Colette for the duration of the Action, can that model (Decoy Colette) take the Interact action even though as a dove it was summoned this Turn?
A. Yes. For the duration of the Action the Decoy Colette is not the Dove/Marker but is instead Colette and shares Health, Conditions, and Tokens with the original Colette. The Dove/Marker is not considered to be in play for the duration of the action. The Decoy Colette does have its own base contact, engagement range, and LoS and is moved independently from the original Colette, as such, effects such as auras that rely on position only affect Decoy Colette if it is within range of that effect.
Q. Kaeris, Reborn – When taking the Melting Point Action, does the Action draw range and LoS from all friendly Wildfire models with Burning +3 or more or just a single model?
A. Just a single model.
Q. Nellie Cochrane, Voice of Disorder – Can Nellie’s Spread the Word Ability be used to have the model that initially gained a Condition gain that same Condition again?
A. No. In the case of Spread the Word the Condition gained by the Ability must be gained by a model other than the initial model that gained the Condition.
Q. Titania, Autumn Queen – How does the Herald of Autumn ability on the Titania’s Chosen Upgrade interact with non-lasting auras such as from her Royal Escort and Queen’s Domain Abilities.
A. These auras are generated from both Titania and all models with the Herald of Autumn Ability
Q. Klaus Norwood – Can Klaus’s Pocketful of Personalities Trigger choose a Trigger with the Targeting Restriction of Enemy only if the target of his Action is a friendly model?
A. No. Klaus’s a trigger chosen by the Pocketful of Personalities Trigger must still meet all of its normal targeting restrictions in order to be resolved.
Q. Seamus – For the A Cause for Celebration Action are “Special Requirements” the same as an Action’s Special Restrictions?
A. Yes. Special Requirements is referring to an Action’s Special Restrictions. However, this does not include an Action’s Targeting Restrictions which must still be met even if the Action is generated with Seamus’s A Cause for Celebration Action.
Q. Crooligan – When a Crooligan discards a card for its By your Side Ability does it resolve the effect of its Fading (Footsteps) Ability before or after it is placed from By Your Side?
A. After. The Crooligan must fully resolve the initial effect of By Your Side – discarding to place – before it resolves any additional effect as per sequential effects rules (pg. 34).
Q. Jedza, Everlasting – Are Geode Marker’s created by Jedza’s, Everlasting’s Waystone Action Destructible?
A. Yes. All Markers of a single name share all of the same terrain traits.
Q. Maxine Agassiz Monomaniacal – If using Maxine’s Calculate the Possibilities Action, does her Breachburnt Ability resolve for each tome card discard or just once (if any tomes were discarded)?
A. Each tome. Breachburnt will resolve after each tome card that is discarded or used to Cheat fate, regardless if multiple are discarded at one time.
Q. When a Shockwave or Pulse affects both friendly and enemy models at the same time, who chooses the order that models resolve the generated duel?
A. The model that generated the Shockwave or Pulse determines the order for all affected models. When a model is chosen to resolve a Shockwave, it resolves its duel and any subsequent damage completely (including any new generated effects, such as Pulses or effects that trigger when a model is killed) before the next model is chosen to resolve the Shockwave’s duel and damage. This may result in situations where a model is killed by an effect such as Demise (Explosive +3) before it resolves its Shockwave duel, in which case the duel generated by the Shockwave is ignored.
Q. If a model uses an effect such as Harness Chi to increase its duel total, does that modifier also get added to its final duel total? If the model had a lower flipped duel total but uses Harness Chi to increase its current duel total above the opposing model’s duel total, would it now Cheat Fate second?
A. Yes. Modifiers that affect a model’s duel total continue to affect its final duel total (unless otherwise stated) but are not added an additional time when calculating a model’s final duel total. If a modifier is applied before any model in a duel Cheats Fate, this may affect who Cheats Fate first.
Q. If an effect would allow a model to look at or reveal the top card(s) of a Fate Deck, and there are not enough cards left in the Fate Deck, is the Fate Deck shuffled?
A. Yes. For example, if Sonnia Criid, Unmasked uses Confiscated Lore, but the opponent only has three cards left in their Fate Deck, set those cards aside, shuffle the Fate Deck, and then draw two more cards for Sonnia to look at.
Q. Can a model climb up Climbable terrain with any Movement?
A. No. Unless otherwise stated, models may only move vertically along Climbable terrain when they take the Walk Action or when they are falling.
Q. Cursed Objects – Can a Tormented model take the Interact Action to place one of its Curse Tokens on a friendly Guilty, using the Guilty as Charged Ability?
A. No. The friendly Guilty is not treated as an enemy model for the purposes of Strategies or Schemes.
Q. Carve a Path – Can a model drawing LoS and range from another object within 1" of a Strategy Marker in Carve a Path take the Interact Action to Push that Strategy Marker?
A. Yes, the model is considered within 1" of the Strategy Marker for the purposes of that Interact Action, however the model’s physical position on the board does not change. It therefore would not be considered within range of any Auras, Terrain, or effects within range of the object it is drawing LoS from (unless the model’s base was also within range of those effects). For example, if Rasputina used Ice Mirror to Interact with a Strategy Marker in Carve a Path and that Ice Pillar was inside a Pyre Marker, Rasputina would not suffer the effects of the Hazardous Terrain.
Q. Undercover – If a model with the Undercover Ability is Buried, but the enemy crew has no remaining Minions, can the model Unbury in its Deployment Zone?
A. Yes
Q. Filthy SpearFilthy Spear states: “Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. Models damaged by this Action suffer +1 damage if this Action was generated by the Charge Action.” If a Kentauroi takes the Charge Action and uses Filthy Spear, would its Rear Up Trigger be increased to 3 damage?
A. No, this is an unintended interaction. Treat the Filthy Spear Action as if it were written, “If this Action was generated by the Charge Action, the target suffers 3/4/5 damage. Otherwise, the target suffers 2/3/4 damage.”
Q. Bloated StenchBloated Stench states: “After this model suffers damage from a
Action, the Attacking model gains Poison +1 after resolving the current Action.” If a model with Bloated Stench is killed by a
Action, would the Attacking model still gain Poison +1?
A. No, the model with Bloated Stench would be removed from the game before the Action is fully resolved and therefore could not apply Poison +1 to the Attacker.
Q. Labor Contract – Is the model with the Labor Contract Ability required to have LoS to the Summoned Drudge?
A. No, unless that model is the model that Dropped a Scheme Marker. Labor Contract allows the friendly model that drops a scheme marker to discard a card to Summon a Drudge, so the model with Labor Contract is not treated as Summoning the Drudge. The friendly model that discarded a card is required to have LoS to the summoned Drudge.
Q. Leger de Main – What happens with two models with Showmanship are in an opposed duel with each other?
A. The effect in its entirety is ignored. If both models in an opposed duel would Cheat Fate after enemy models (or second) all parts of the effects which alter when they would Cheat Fate are ignored.
Q. If an enemy model controls a Witness model in Damian, Aspirant’s crew, is the controlling player able to utilize Witness the In-Between to have the obeyed model discard cards from the Damian Player’s Configuration?
A. Yes, unless Damian himself is somehow being controlled. The enemy-controlled model is still considered a model friendly to Damian, and since Damian is friendly-controlled, “your Configuration” would still refer to his owner’s Configuration. If Damian were enemy-controlled, “your Configuration” would refer to the opposing Crew’s Configuration. Likewise, the Prioritize Trigger would be read from the perspective of the controller and could not be used to draw a card from the opponent’s Configuration. However, since the Configuration is a Crew Upgrade and controlling a model does not change ownership of that model, an Obeyed Witness model would still benefit from its owner’s Conduit Ability.
Q. Rock HopperAbandoned Machinery states: “When this model Activates, if there are no friendly models within
4, Push it up to 4" in any direction.” Does this include itself?
A. No. This Ability should be read as: “When this model Activates, if there are no other friendly models within
4, Push it up to 4" in any direction.”
Q. Lucky Emissary – If the Lucky Emissary uses the Steamroller Action and Pushes through three Ice Pillar Markers, does it suffer 2 damage for each Ice Pillar?
A. No. The Lucky Emissary would remove each Destructible Ice Pillar Marker, continue its Push, and suffer no damage.
Q. Family – If a Family model drops its Vendetta target to half wounds during its Activation, can that model reveal Vendetta, and then use A Por El! to have another model kill their Vendetta target, and still score the Reveal Point?
A. Yes. Both the Reveal of Vendetta and A Por El! happen during step 3 of the Activation Phase. Since they are simultaneous effects, the acting player chooses the order they resolve.
Q. If Dr. Watson ends his Activation, then uses Heat of Battle to take the Assist Action and gain Fast from Quick Cure, does that Fast end then and there or would it last until the end of his next Activation? What if Dr. Watson already had Fast on him before ending his Activation?
A. In this case, the Fast would not last until his next Activation. Fast would immediately end, even if Dr. Watson ended his Activation with Fast and chose to end that Fast before resolving Heat of Battle.
Q. Lucius Mattheson, Dishonorable – If Lucius uses Down the Wrong Path on an enemy, and the enemy model ends this move engaged by multiple Elite or Mimic models, do all of the engaging models make
A. No, if the enemy model ended the movement engaged by three Mimic models, only one of the Mimics would take a
Q. Marathine – How does Living Blade work with effects that would damage or Heal it? If Marathine suffers
damage, are the
Markers dropped?
A. Yes. If Marathine is attacked, damage is flipped as normal and any resulting
Markers are Dropped. However, as it has no Health to be lowered, no effects that depend upon Marathine being damaged would occur. Likewise, if Marathine is targeted by an Action that Heals, the Healing is flipped as normal. However, as it has is no Health to increase, no effects that depend upon Marathine being Healed would occur.
Q. Hamelin – If Hamelin uses Unclean Influence on 12 Malifaux Rats to make them each take an Action, and the first Malifaux Rat uses Tangle Together to replace all 12 Malifaux Rats with a Rat King, would that Rat King resolve all 11 other generated Actions?
A. No. Generated Actions are not considered lasting game effects and step 4 of the Replace rules does not apply to them.
Q. Winged Plague – Does the Winged Plague give out Blight Tokens every time it ends a move or only after ending the Push from The Plague Spreads?
A. In this case the sentence, “After moving, other models in base contact with this model gain a Blight Token,” refers only to the Push generated by The Plague Spreads. For example, if a Winged Plague ended a Charge Action in base contact with an enemy model that model would not gain a Blight Token from The Plague Spreads.
Q. Dr. McMourning, Insanitary – What happens if Dr. McMourning uses his Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Ability when a Mindless Zombie was removed as a Corpse Marker? If McMourning removes a Scheme Marker, is the Scheme Marker he Drops friendly to McMourning?
A. The Mindless Zombie would be killed by its Walking Dead Ability, removed from the table, and McMourning could either choose to draw a card or Drop a single Corpse Marker. Since the Ability states to Drop “the removed Marker”, if McMourning used the Ability on an enemy Scheme Marker, the Dropped Scheme Marker would be an enemy Scheme Marker, and vice versa.
Q. Gwyll – If a Blood Vessel Heals a model for 0, can that Healing be reduced by Gwyll’s Cling to Death to treat the model as healing in excess of its maximum health?
A. No. If a model Heals 0, it is not treated as Healing and would ignore any effects that rely on a model Healing.
Q. Gwyll – If a Blood Vessel Heals a model for 0, can that Healing be reduced by Gwyll’s Cling to Death to treat the model as healing in excess of its maximum health?
A. No. If a model Heals 0, it is not treated as Healing and would ignore any effects that rely on a model Healing.
Q. Lamplighters – Can multiple Lamplighters use Light the Way on the same Lamp Marker to allow models to get multiple
on the same duel? Is the effect of the Action oncer per Marker or once per Model?
A. No, if the Light the Way Action is taken targeting a Lit Lamp Marker, the Action has no additional effect on the Marker (aside from Triggers). The effect is once per Activation per model. For example, if three models were within a2 of a Lit Lamp Marker and were affected by the same Shockwave, all three could receive a
to the duel. However, as the effect is an
, if the models were within
2 of two different Lit Lamp Markers they could not receive a
, but could receive two
on two different flips.
Q. Explosive Turn of Events – If an enemy model is within the
3 of multiple selected Markers, would the model take the duel multiple times?
A. No. The model would take the duel once and upon failing would suffer 3 damage once.
Q. Bygone – If a Bygone model is controlled by an Action such as Obey, does the controlled model continue to be affected by its owner’s Ideal Upgrade?
A. Yes. The model is still considered to be in its owner’s Crew.
Q. What does it mean for two objects to “come into base contact” with each other?
A. If at any point during a move two objects are in base contact with each other, they are considered to have come into base contact with each other. Objects may not come into base contact with each other more than once in a single move. If two objects’ bases physically touch while resolving an effect that is not a move, such as from a Drop, they are not considered to have come into base contact with each other.
Q. If an effect allows me to choose two options from a list, such as John Watson’s Take Two of These and Call me in the Morning Trigger, can I choose the same option twice?
A. No. When an effect says to choose or resolve two (or more) options from a list, the same option cannot be chosen more than once unless otherwise stated, as in the Moment of Reflection Action.
Q. If a model that can move through models Pushes toward another model, can it Push completely through the other model?
A. Yes. For example, when Samael Hopkins uses Creep Along on the Purifying Flame he can choose his reference points such that he moves as depicted below so long as he has enough movement to end the Push in base contact with, but not overlapping, the Purifying Flame’s base: [Image not Available]
Q. If a model is subject to an effect that Replaces it with a new model after it is killed, such as Demise (Dead Horse), and the model is killed by an effect such as the Exorcism or Execute Triggers, is the model that is Replaces into killed?
A. Yes
Q. Who determines the order in which VP are scored during the End Phase?
A. Follow these steps: 1. The player with Initiative scores VP for the Strategy. 2. The player without Initiative scores VP for the Strategy. 3. The player with Initiative scores VP for all of their Schemes (in any order they wish). 4. The player without Initiative scores VP for all of their Schemes (in any order they wish).
Q. Carve a Path – Can an enemy model use a Strategy Marker to remove a Marker that is under an effect that prevents enemy models from removing it, such as the Dependable or Rusted Metal Abilities?
A. No. If an enemy model takes the Interact Action and is controlling the Push of the Strategy Marker, the removal of the nonStrategy Marker is considered an enemy effect.
Q. Hard to Kill – If a model has 2 Health remaining, can it choose to suffer 2 damage from the Necrotic Decay Trigger to increase its damage by +2 because its Hard to Kill Ability will keep it alive?
A. Any damage that would be suffered in excess due to Hard to Kill is ignored for all game effects, including costs. For example, if the Rogue Necromancy has 2 Health remaining and chooses to suffer 2 damage when declaring the Necrotic Decay Trigger, it would suffer 1 damage before Hard to Kill applies, the excess 1 damage would be ignored, and Necrotic Decay would only increase its damage by +1.
Q. Gunfighter - Can a model with Gunfighter use one of its
Shockwave Actions as a
A. Yes. Gunfighter can be used to treat
Shockwave Actions as
Actions, in which case all Shockwave Markers must be Dropped within 1" of the model taking the Action. If the Shockwave Action is being generated as a result of the Disengage Action the normal effects of the Action, such as damage and Triggers, are ignored (as usual) and the opposing model resists the Action with the Stat listed in the Shockwave; such as Mv for the Throw Dynamite Action.
Q. Make Way! – If a model with the Butterfly Jump and Make Way! Abilities uses Butterfly Jump to move through another model, does the model that was moved through need to pass a duel or suffer the damage from Make Way!?
A. Yes
Q. Shouting Orders – Can a model use Shouting Orders to discard a card without taking the Concentrate Action?
A. Yes
Q. Inkfingers – If a Crew contains both the Inkfingers and Ceaseless Advances Abilities, can you choose to resolve Inkfingers first so that Ceaseless Advances always resolves?
A. Yes
Q. Luck Thief – Does the Luck Thief Ability apply before or after
modifiers cancel each other out?
A. Before. Modifiers to a duel (such as from Focused, Concealment, etc…) are generated during Step A of performing duels (pg. 10). Luck Thief immediately applies to any
modifier generated changing it to a
modifier. Then, the duel proceeds to Step B, at which point
modifiers would normally cancel each other out.
Q. Luck Thief – What does “opposed duels and damage flips against this model,” mean? Does Luck Thief apply if the model with Luck Thief is either attacking or being attacked, or only when it is being attacked?
A. Luck Thief will apply any time the model is in an opposed duel with an enemy, whether it is the initiating model or the target.
Q. My Loyal Servant – Can the My Loyal Servant Trigger be used to Heal the target of an Action?
A. Yes
Q. Amputation – If the Amputation Trigger resolves on a model with the Demise (Smoldering Heart) Ability, can Amputation Drop a Pyre Marker?
A. Yes
Q. If a Dabbler flips more than one card and fails a duel, which card gets added to the Configuration if the Dabbler uses the Unexpected Outcome Ability?
A. Whichever card was used by the Dabbler to calculate a failing final duel total would be added to the Configuration.
Q. Can a model use the Cryosleep Ability to treat Corpse Markers as having the Blocking and Ht 4 traits? Can a model use Cryosleep to gain Cover from a Corpse Marker?
A. No
Q. If the Coryphee Duet takes the Dance Apart Action during its Activation, are both Coryphee considered to have Activated?
A. If the Coryphee Duet has not yet Activated (pg. 21) when it takes the Dance Apart Action, then neither Coryphee is considered to have Activated (pg. 33), although whichever Coryphee is continuing the Duet’s Activation will be considered to have Activated at the end of the current Activation as normal. This can result in the Coryphee Duet having two Activations in a single Turn if the second Coryphee that has not yet Activated uses Dance Together during its own Activation. When this happens, the new Duet may continue the current Activation, even though the new Duet is considered to have Activated.
Q. When can Seamus use his Talent Scout Ability? When does the enemy model gain Distracted +1?
A. If the enemy model is engaged by Seamus after it resolves an Action, it gains Distracted +1. Both checking for engagement and gaining Distracted +1 occur during Step 6 of Resolving Actions.
Q. If a model is within range of both Alone in the Dark and Eye of the Hurricane which one takes precedence?
A. When these two specific Abilities interact, Eye of the Hurricane will always take precedence
Q. Can Linh Ly’s Bonus Action, Control of the Library, be used to Drop a Scheme Marker if there is already another friendly Scheme Marker within 4" of Linh Ly?
A. Yes, so long as the new Marker is not Dropped within 4" of the existing friendly Scheme Marker.
Q. If a model that has already Activated has the option to Activate again, such as with the Adrift in Time Ability, can that model choose not to Activate a second time until Connected Conscience is used, then Activate after Nexus?
A. No. Connected Conscience will always happen after every other model’s final Activation (if any).
Q. If the Grave Goo is within range of an Aura Terrain that only affects “enemy models,” such as Vent Steam, do models the Grave Goo considers an enemy treat the Aura Terrain as Hazardous from the Trail of Slime Ability?
A. Yes. The Grave Goo is considered to be in base contact with the terrain, and enemy models will treat the Aura Terrain as Hazardous (Damage 1 and Poison +1), even though they are not affected by the normal Hazardous damage of Vent Steam.
Q. What happens if I cannot schedule a match with my opponent?
A. ● Missed games will be handled on a case-by-case basis. ● If one person is clearly and solely at fault, that player will forfeit the round. The game will be scored 6-2 in favor of the player who was able to play the game. ● In the case of mutual scheduling conflicts, the game will be called as a tie. ● If a player is at fault and intentionally missing games in bad faith, that player may be disqualified from the event or series. /MWS EV.01/
Q. What happens if an opponent concedes a match? With high numbers of players, 8-0 concessions can lead to a significant swing in overall rank. Whenever possible, use the state of the game to determine the most likely outcome of the game.
A. ● If possible, agree upon a score based on the current board state. Conceding a match without communicating with your opponent or TO about the final score may result in a sportsmanship warning. ● If an opponent leaves before verifying a score, try to get TO confirmation or save the game for verification later. ● If an opponent forfeits and no apparent score can reasonably be determined, the game will be scored as 6-2. /MWS EV.02/
Q. When does the next round start?
A. ● Rounds officially start on Monday at 10:00 am GMT. ● Once all games have been played we will try to post new results as soon as possible, but we may not always be immediately available. ● If the WSC needs to address drops or warnings before a new round starts, it could affect when pairings are released. ○ If pairings are released after 10am Monday, the round will be extended appropriately. /MWS EV.03/
Q. Which player is the attacker?
A. The bottom one on Longshanks /MWS EV.04/
Q. Does a model need to Walk to in order to move up climbable terrain?
A. Yes. The rules for climbing are explicitly tied to the Walk action: “When resolving a Walk Action, a model may move vertically along Climbable Terrain” (See the November 2022 FAQ/Errata). /MWS GEN.01/
Q. When a Shockwave or Pulse affects both friendly and enemy models at the same time, who chooses the order that models resolve the generated duel? /MWS GEN.02/
A. The model that generated the Shockwave or Pulse determines the order for all affected models. When a model is chosen to resolve a Shockwave, it resolves its duel and any subsequent damage completely (including any new generated effects, such as Pulses or effects that trigger when a model is killed) before the next model is chosen to resolve the Shockwave’s duel and damage. This may result in situations where a model is killed by an effect such as Demise (Explosive +3) before it resolves its Shockwave duel, in which case the duel generated by the Shockwave is ignored. (Nov 2022, Wyrd)
Q. What is “half health” of a model with an odd hp value.
A. Per the Nov 2022 FAQ/Errata, Rounding Rules do not apply for determining a model’s health (See Math on Pg. 31 of the Digital Rulebook.) /MWS GEN.03/
Q. If a model from a recent release (mainly Madness of Malifaux) has a non-unique ability or trigger that is different from previous versions of the same ability or trigger, how should it be played? (And other misprinting issues)
A. Abilities and Triggers should be played as written in Malifaux Crew Builder app. In particular this refers to wrong suits for some Triggers. ● There are several exceptions that include: ○ Kara’s Gang Warfare trigger on Play with Prey should read “targeting a model that was Moved by this action,” not “Pushed by this action.” ○ Companion on the Titania’s Chosen Upgrade (Autumn Queen) should read “it may discard a card or a Pass Token” to Activate the Ability. ○ Geodes created by Jedza, Everlasting should have the “Destructible” trait as well, matching the Geomancy chronicle on Surveyors ○ The Flame Wall trigger (Lampads, Iggy, The Firestarter) should read “Create a 50 mm …” on all versions (the version on Iggy incorrectly reads “Drop” instead of “Create”) ○ The Light It Up bonus action on Rocketeers should be labeled as an Attack Action, matching Drachen Troopers. ○ Down to the Last Drop (Urnbearers) should read “The target and enemy models within pulse(2),” matching Spelleaters. ○ Black Blood Pustule (Black Blood Shaman) should treat its first sentence as a restriction written in italics. ○ Forage (Test Subject) should treat its first sentence as a cost written in italics. /MWS GEN.04/
Q. Can a model with the Gunfighter Ability treat itself as engaging an enemy model for the purposes of its own Catch and Release Scheme, and not engaging the same enemy model for the purposes of the enemy’s Hidden Martyr Scheme?
A. No. Models with Gunfighter (and similar effects) are always treated as having an engagement range (unless another effect says otherwise).(Wyrd, Nov 2022) /MWS CAA.01/
Q. Can Ricochet affect the attack’s original target?
A. No. By the context of the sentence, Ricochet cannot affect the attack’s original target. /MWS CAA.02/
Q. Can My Loyal Servant affect the action’s original target?
A. Per Wyrd FAQ: Q. My Loyal Servant – Can the My Loyal Servant Trigger be used to Heal the target of an Action? A. Yes /MWS CAA.03/
Q. Can Galvanize affect the action’s original target?
A. Yes. Taken in context, “another” means “a model other than this model”. Galvanize can never give Focus to the model taking the action. /MWS CAA.04/
Q. Can a rider’s fate tokens be spent on any duel?
A. Yes, Chasing Fate states that tokens may be discarded “when declaring triggers,” which occurs in Step E of all duels (See Duels on Page 10 of the Digital Rulebook). Chasing Fate does not require a trigger be declared. /MWS CAA.05/
Q. Can a model use Secret Passage to disappear/appear within 1” of a Strategy Marker that has the Blocking terrain trait (such as a Ley Line Marker)?
A. Yes. Secret Passage does not require the acting model to affect the Strategy Marker (See Bayou - Gluttony section of the Season 1 FAQ and Strategy Markers on Pg. 28 of the Digital Rulebook). /MWS CAA.06/
Q. If a model with Laugh Off and uses Take the Hit, can it choose not to Place? For example, Guard Patrol wearing a Lead-Lined Coat.
A. Yes, Laugh Off gives the choice not to Place. The model using Take the Hit will be the new target of the attack either way. The place effect and changing the target of the attack are not contingent on each other. /MWS CAA.07/
Q. Can a model discard a card to Shouting Orders without taking the Concentrate action?
A. ● No. When a model uses Shouting Orders they must immediately take the Concentrate action? ● This is Rules as Intended, since Shouting Orders does not say the Concentrate action counts as a bonus action until the end of the activation. /MWS CAA.08/
Q. When does the healing from Drink Blood happen?
A. ● Step 5 of Damage Timing. ● This is a Rules as Intended interpretation because “When resolving” timing would be functionally the same as “When succeeding” if read Rules as Written. /MWS CAA.09/
Q. Can a model that has been given an effect of "may activate a second time this Turn," choose not to do so? (For example, Tara's Adrift in Time, Asami Takusen's Wrath of the Kimon, Mechanical Rider's Revelation trigger, or Molly Squidpiddge's Constructive Criticism)
A. ● Yes. Tara's Adrift in Time ability describes an "If it does so" effect, implying that a second activation is not mandatory. ● During the Activation Phase, a player must activate all models at least once, and if a player ever skips to Step D by declining to perform any potential second activations, those activations may not be taken later. /MWS CAA.10/
Q. Can a model that has been given an effect of "may activate a second time this Turn" activate after Cadmus' second activation from Connected Conscience?
A. Yes. Connected Conscience happens "after every model has Activated." If a model has Activated but has a second activation available, it counts as having activated for the purposes of when the Connected Conscience activation occurs. For example, Molly Squidpiddge uses Constructive Criticism on a Crooligan. If Molly’s player can spend pass tokens such that only the Crooligan’s second activation and the Connected Conscience activations remain, if the next activation would go to the Cadmus player then they must use their Connected Conscience activation before the Crooligan activates a second time. On the other hand, if activation order works out such that it is the Molly player’s turn to activate a model, has no pass tokens, and only the Crooligan’s second activation remaining, they must activate the Crooligan before Connected Conscience or lose the Constructive Criticism activation. /MWS CAA.11/
Q. Does a model with the Catalyst ability count as killing a model if a model dies from the damage inflicted by the effects of Catalyst?
A. Yes. The damage is treated as being both "from Poison" and "from the Catalyst ability." /MWS CAA.12/
Q. Can a model with Take The Hit use Take The Hit when targeted by an attack in order to discard a card or cause the attack to ignore targeting restrictions?
A. Yes. Take the Hit can be used “After an enemy model targets a friendly model within
2,” and does not specify “another.” /MWS CAA.13/
Q. Which timing steps of an action are controlled when a model is obeyed (or otherwise controlled) to take an action?
A. All steps c.2.a through c.2.f of the Detailed Timing chart’s “Take Actions” section. /MWS CAA.14/
Q. Does Exorcism still kill a model that is replaced instead of killed by an effect such as Grim Recruitment or Demise (Dead Horse)?
A. Yes. For the MWS, we are ruling that the Intent of this interaction is for the model to be killed. /MWA CAA.15/
Q. When a Life and Death trigger (Gwyll, Domador de Cadaveres) is declared directly against a friendly target, does the attack still perform a damage flip?
A. No. When there is no target that will receive damage, the “instead” clause will govern the entire action resolution, and damage is not flipped. /MWS CAA.16/
Q. After Take the Hit is used to change the target of an attack, who can be targeted by the next attack generated by a trigger like Onslaught, Quick Reflexes, Shove Aside, Pouncing Strike?
A. ● Targeting restrictions refer to the actual target of the attack. ● Onslaught can only target the model that used Take the Hit. ● Quick Reflexes cannot target the model that used Take the Hit. ● Shove Aside pushes the model that used Take the Hit, then can target a different model (including the model that was originally targeted by the attack). ● Pouncing Strike cannot target the model that used Take the Hit. /MWS CAA.17/
Q. When a model would suffer damage from an Action (or Trigger) like Guilt of the Many or Avalanche, would it suffer a single instance of X damage or X instances of 1 damage?
A. A single instance of X damage. /MWS CAA.18/
Q. Does Butterfly Jump trigger Hazardous Terrain’s effects separately from the preceding Attack?
A. No. If an Attack action moved a model through Hazardous Terrain, and the target uses Butterfly Jump, it would only trigger the Hazardous Terrain’s effect once. Once Per Action restriction on Hazardous Terrain takes into account every potential effect generated during the Action. /MWS CAA.19/
Q. Can Obey effects be used to resolve Once per Turn effects multiple times in a turn.
A. No. The Once per Turn restriction applies regardless of the model that generated the action. /MWS OBEY.01/
Q. Can Obey be used to move enemy models with Laugh Off?
A. Yes. Obey allows the controlling player to make all decisions for the target, including whether Laugh Off is used or not. /MWS OBEY.02/
Q. Can a friendly model Obey an enemy model to Obey a second enemy model to take an action that is restricted to friendly-controlled?
A. No. Friendly-controlled and enemy-controlled are mutually exclusive terms determined by the player controlling the effect. Example: Zoraida obeys an enemy guild lawyer to obey a guild investigator to interact. The Zoraida player can control the investigator to remove scheme markers, or drop a scheme marker friendly to itself. The Zoraida player cannot make the investigator throw the lodestone because that interact effect is restricted to friendly-controlled actions. /MWS OBEY.03/
Q. Can a friendly model Obey an enemy model to Interact with an enemy Strategy Marker (Evidence/Symbol) and score a point?
A. No, “friendly-controlled” language requires a model be controlled by its own crew to Interact and pick up a Strategy Marker (See Friendly / Enemy-Controlled in GG1). /MWS OBEY.4/
Q. If model Z is controlling model X’s Action and that Action generates a new Action, does model Z control the new Action?
A. Yes, model Z would control the generated Action and any subsequently generated Actions, but if the controlled model is ever resisting an opposed duel, it is always controlled by its owner (not necessarily its controller). (Wyrd, November 2022) /MWS OBEY.05/
Q. Can Myranda score strats and schemes if she turns into the Jackalope?
A. ● According to Step 4 of the replace process, “one new model becomes the target of any effects that targeted or chose any original models, such as Schemes, Leader designations, or lasting game effects. That new model is always considered a legal target for those effects.” ● Myranda can still score schemes such as Hidden Martyrs, or give up points for schemes such as Take Prisoner. The underlined text above supersedes the Jackalope’s Insignificant ability for game effects that existed prior to the replace. ● Tokens are “lasting game effects.” Myranda in Jackelope form will keep a lodestone or intel token that she was carrying. ● If Myranda carries the lodestone as the Jackelope, other models may take the Interact action to move the Lodestone off her. ● If Myranda carries the lodestone as the Jackelope, she cannot claim a Ley Line at the end of the turn. Despite still being a legal target of the Lodestone effect, she is still ignored by the strategy due to Insignificant. ● If Myranda carries an Evidence Token as the Jackelope, she still drops a strategy marker when she is reduced to 1hp or less. The Rules As Intended of Recover Evidence appears to be that Evidence Tokens cannot be removed or made inaccessible to the opponent without dropping a strategy marker /MWS ARC.01/
Q. Does Cryosleep on Rasputina, Abominable give Corpse Markers the terrain traits of an Ice Pillar Marker, such as blocking and height?
A. No. Corpse Markers do not gain the terrain traits of Ice Pillars (and vice verse). /MWS ARC.02/
Q. Does Cryosleep allow Corpse Markers to be treated as Ice Pillars for Stratgies and Schemes?
A. No. Cryosleep only changes the marker type from the perspective of “friendly December models,” not for the player. /MWS ARC.03/
Q. Where do you measure the range from Pouncing Strike if the Four-Winds Golem makes an attack generated from Sandeep, Font of Magic’s Students of All?
A. ● Pouncing Strike is measured from the Four-Winds Golem. ● Students of All draws LOS and range Up We Go from the Academic; the 5” place on Pouncing Strike is not part of the range of the action. /MWS ARC.04/
Q. Is the Tunneling action from Through the Mountain on Molemen an action generated by an ability (therefore ignoring the once per activation limit of bonus actions)?
A. No. Through the Mountain allows friendly models the option to take a new bonus action, but that action is not generated by the ability /MWS ARC.05/
Q. Does the Expose Flaws trigger on Damian, Aspirant's Knowledge is Power attack prevent a model affected by Temper Steel from using its armor's damage reduction property?
A. No. Temper Steel has already been ruled in a Wyrd FAQ to override the "ignores damage reduction" capacity of irreducible damage. In the absence of a more specific ruling by Wyrd, MWS events will treat Temper Steel as also overriding the "cannot reduce damage" effect of the Expose Flaws trigger. /MWS ARC.06/
Q. Does Inkfingers resolve before Ceaseless Advance, therefore guaranteeing the Ceaseless Advance effect?
A. Yes. These are simultaneous effects and can always be ordered so that Ceaseless Advance always generates. /MWS ARC.07/
Q. At what point in resolving an action does Mei Feng, Foreman’s Hazard Pay (or Mecha-MeeMaw’s Heaps of Trash) allow a model to ignore Hazardous terrain?
A. Our ruling is that these effects allow a model to ignore the generation of a hazardous effect but not its resolution. So, if a model resolves any portion of an action without being in range of the prevention effect, it will be affected by the hazardous terrain (even if it ends the action within range of the prevention effect). /MWS ARC.08/
Q. If an enemy model controls a Witness model in Damian, Aspirant’s crew, is the controlling player able to utilize Witness the In-Between to have the obeyed model discard cards from the Damian Player’s Configuration?
A. Yes, unless Damian himself is somehow being controlled. The enemy-controlled model is still considered a model friendly to Damian, and since Damian is friendly-controlled, “your Configuration” would still refer to his owner’s Configuration. If Damian were enemy-controlled, “your Configuration” would refer to the opposing Crew’s Configuration. Likewise, the Prioritize Trigger would be read from the perspective of the controller and could not be used to draw a card from the opponent’s Configuration. However, since the Configuration is a Crew Upgrade and controlling a model does not change ownership of that model, an Obeyed Witness model would still benefit from its owner’s Conduit Ability (Wyrd, Nov 2022) /MWS ARC.09/
Q. Can Som’er take an attack from his own Pig-Eating Grin ability?
A. Yes. The new definition of Another allows Som’er to take attacks from Pig-Eating Grin. /MWS BAYOU.01/
Q. If Zoraida declares Regret while generated actions in queue (such as an attack from Onslaught), do the generated actions resolve?
A. No. Regret immediately ends the activation. /MWS BAYOU.02/
Q. What is the timing of upgrade and card discards for Raiding Operation and Gimme That Back on Ophelia, Overloaded?
A. Any cards drawn by Load Up will be drawn after all Kin have resolved the Gimme That Back option to discard a card and gain Focused +1. a. After Ophelia succeeds her duel, 1-3 Kin are chosen in the Resolving Effects step. b. Those Kin may each choose to discard an attached Arsenal upgrade. c. Each Kin that does so will immediately trigger Gimme That Back!, giving it the option to discard a card to gain Focused +1. d. Each chosen Kin that discarded an Arsenal upgrade may resolve one of the Raiding Operation effects. /MWS BAYOU.03/
Q. Is the bonus action from Food’s Up on Spit Hog an action generated by an ability (therefore ignoring the once per activation limit of bonus actions)?
A. No. Food’s Up allows friendly models an option to take a new bonus action, but that action is not generated by the ability. /MWS BAYOU.04/
Q. Is the bonus action from “Hold These for Me” on Ophelia, Overloaded an action generated by an ability (therefore ignoring the once per activation limit of bonus actions)?
A. No. “Hold These for Me” allows friendly models an option to take a new bonus action, but that action is not generated by the ability. /MWS BAYOU.05/
Q. How many other friendly Big Hat or Redchapel models within aura-3 does the White Rabbit Co.’s Local Haberdashery ability require in order to add a suit of its choice to its duel totals?
A. Two or more. While a RAW reading might allow the White Rabbit Co. to count itself, we believe that this ability, like “Face in the Crowd,” contains a typo, and should read “other” models. /MWS BAYOU.06/
Q. For the Use Em As Bait Ability on The Clampetts, Fisherfolk, does dropping a Tide Marker into base contact with an enemy model count as that enemy model “coming into base contact with” the Tide Marker?
A. No. We are taking a definition of “coming into base contact” that “Two objects are considered to have come into base contact if either object moves, during the course of which movement the two objects are in base contact with one another.” Because the core rules of the game note that Dropping a Marker does not count as the Marker having moved, Use Em As Bait will not Activate from Dropping a Tide Marker /MWS BAYOU.07/
Q. At what point in resolving an action does Mei Feng, Foreman’s Hazard Pay (or Mecha-MeeMaw’s Heaps of Trash) allow a model to ignore Hazardous terrain?
A. Our ruling is that these effects allow a model to ignore the generation of a hazardous effect but not its resolution. So, if a model resolves any portion of an action without being in range of the prevention effect, it will be affected by the hazardous terrain (even if it ends the action within range of the prevention effect). /MWS BAYOU.08/
Q. Can English Ivan use Black Mirror to make Mr. Mordrake Slow/Stunned/Staggered if Mr. Mordrake is already Slow/Stunned/Staggered (or vice-versa)?
A. No. A model cannot gain an unstackable condition if it already has that condition (See “This or That” Choices on Page 33 of the Digital Rules). The “if able” clause in Black Mirror prevents it from being used if the target cannot gain the condition being moved. /MWS EXSO.01/
Q. If a round ends due to time, can a model with Will of Cadmus take the actions granted by Connected Conscience after last activation is called?
A. ● No. When the round ends, the model currently activating finishes its activation and no new activation may be started (see Round Time Limit on Page 6 of GG Season 1). ● Connected Conscience grants the model carrying it a second activation after all other models have activated. This is an activation and takes place in the activation phase and does not supersede the round time limit. /MWS EXSO.02/
Q. Does Lord Cooper need Focus in order to Reload?
A. Yes. These italics are a cost and must be paid or the action fails (See Resolving Actions Step 2 on Page 23 of the Digital Rules). /MWS EXSO.03/
Q. Can Crypsis Corps overlap two Patient Strikes to get two attacks on a model that moves through the strike zone?
A. No. Rules as Intended, Crypsis Corps can only get one attack from Patient Strike per activation. /MWS EXSO.04/
Q. Do Geode Markers generate hazardous effects when a model is moved into base contact with them?
A. Yes /MWS EXSO.05/
Q. Do multiple Join Us triggers from Nexus, One of Many stack? Can multiple Eyes and Ears be summoned from a single kill?
A. No. You can only summon one Eyes and Ears regardless of how many times your creepy spider children whisper “join us” /MWS EXSO.06/
Q. Can Cornelius Basse use Caught in Quicksand to place a model with an aura of severe terrain such as Marcus, Alpha?
A. Yes. You measure and check the condition prior to the movement. At that time there is no terrain aura at the destination. /MWS EXSO.07/
Q. Is a model with Trail of Slime in base contact with an area being treated as terrain by an ability such as Wilds of Malifaux or Born of Shadow?
A. Yes. The November 2022 Errata added the below language to clarify this: ● Pg 37. Aura Terrain “Some models in Malifaux have can create terrain within an aura around themselves or another object through Actions such as Spread Roots or Vent Steam, etc. These auras are treated as terrain for all purposes and any model within that aura is treated as in base contact with that terrain.” (Wyrd Nov 2022) /MWS EXSO.08/
Q. Explosive Turn of Events – If an enemy model is within the pulse-3 of multiple selected Markers, would the model take the duel multiple times?
A. No. The model would take the duel once and upon failing would suffer 3 damage once. (Wyrd, Nov 2022) /MWS EXSO.09/
Q. Can a model buried by the Tyrant’s Cage terrain marker (Tiri, Architect) take the Unlock Action while buried?
A. Yes. We believe the Intent is for the buried model to have an option to attempt to unbury, because the Tyrant’s Cage card expressly gives that Action to the buried model. /MWS EXSO.10/
Q. Can a model that is under the effect of Eye of the Hurricane be placed into the aura of Gravity Well?
A. Yes. A model that is within the Eye of the Hurricane aura when it begins resolving the effect that would place it within a Gravity Well aura may resolve the effect. (A model that is not within Eye of the Hurricane when beginning to resolve the effect may NOT resolve the effect by placing in an area covered by both Eye of the Hurricane and Gravity Well). /MWS EXSO.11/
Q. Does a model with Favorable Terrain gain Cover for being within 1” of a Strategy Marker that has the Impassable terrain trait (such as a Ley Line Marker or Symbol of Authority)?
A. Yes. Favorable Terrain does not require the acting model to affect the Strategy Marker (See Bayou - Gluttony section of the Season 1 FAQ and Strategy Markers on Pg. 28 of the Digital Rulebook). /MWS GUILD.01/
Q. Does Nellie’s Twisting Their Ideals count Strategy Markers when determining the damage dealt?
A. No. Counting markers counts as “affecting” them according to the Gluttony FAQ (See Bayou - Gluttony section of the Season 1 FAQ and Strategy Markers on Pg. 28 of the Digital Rulebook). /MWS GUILD.02/
Q. What happens if Undercover Reporter uses Undercover to unbury next to a minion that cannot be Placed or cannot be moved by enemy effects. For example, the minion holds the Lodestone or has Planted Roots.
A. The minion remains in base contact with the Undercover Reporter but the rest of the Undercover ability functions normally. /MWS GUILD.03/
Q. Does Sonnia’s Smothering Flame reduce the range a Lodestone Token can be moved?
A. ● No. Smothering Flame should only reduce the Range Stat listed on the statline of actions. ● Taking the interact to move the Lodestone Token does not use targeting, and as such does not have a clearly defined Range Stat. ● Rules as Intended, moving the Lodestone Token is not an effect that should be modified by Smothering Flame or similar effects. /MWS GUILD.04/
Q. Does Sonnia’s Smothering Flame reduce the range of the Assist action?
A. ● Yes. Smothering Flame reduces the Range Stat listed on the statline of actions. ● Although Assist is not written with a statline, its 2” range can be treated as its Range Stat because the action targets a model. /MWS GUILD.05/
Q. Does Sonnia, Unmasked’s Enraged by the Mage ability measure the aura range before or after the push?
A. Before the push. The pushed model must start within A8” of Sonnia, but does not need to end within 8” of Sonnia to take the melee attack. /MWS GUILD.06/
Q. Can Cornelius Basse use Caught in Quicksand to place a model with an aura of severe terrain such as Marcus, Alpha?
A. Yes. You measure and check the condition prior to the movement. At that time there is no terrain aura at the destination. /MWS GUILD.07/
Q. Can the Armor Piercing trigger from the Expert Marksman upgrade be used in Gunfighter attacks, or copied with the attack vai abilities such as Mimic?
A. ● Yes. The trigger is considered part of the attack when the upgrade is added, which can be later modified by other abilities. ● If the Expert Marksman upgrade is removed (For example, by Greed's Take it All trigger), the Armor Piercing trigger will be removed from the model's ranged attacks. /MWS GUILD.08/
Q. Does the shielded generated from Desperate Measures on Dashel Barker, Butcher apply before or after damage reduction?
A. ● When Enhancing a Duel, the Shielded generates prior to reduction. A Guard model that uses a soulstone to Enhance a Duel gains shielded immediately at Step 4 of resolving the action. (See Resolving Actions on Pg.23 of the Digital Rulebook.) ● When Blocking Damage, the Shielded generates prior to reduction. A Guard model that uses a soulstone to Block Damage gains shielded immediately at Step 1 of damage timing. (See Damage Timing on Pg. 34 of the Digital Rulebook.) ● When Reducing Damage, the Shielded generates after reduction. A Guard model that uses a soulstone to Reduce Damage gains shielded at Step 3 of damage timing when the soulstone is spent. Since Soulstone reduction is always the last damage reduction to apply, the window for shielded to reduce the damage has passed at this point. (See Damage Timing on Pg. 34 and Soulstones on Pg. 27 of the Digital Rulebook.) /MWS GUILD.09/
Q. How does the timing of A Por El! interact with Vendetta?
A. Both the Reveal of Vendetta and A Por El! happen during step 3 of the Activation Phase. Because they are simultaneous effects, the acting player chooses the order they resolve. This means that (if conditions are satisfied): the declaration of Vendetta may be ordered prior to the resolution of A Por El! (including, eg, a case in which the A Por El! action then kills the Vendetta target) AND the reveal of Vendetta may be ordered after the resolution of A Por El! (such that – if the originally Activating model was the named friendly model for Vendetta and ALSO damaged the named enemy model during the activation – the A Por El! attack may be what brings the named enemy model to “half its maximum health or less,” and then Vendetta may be revealed). /MWS GUILD.10/
Q. Can a friendly model with a marker removal ability (such as the King’s Wall with Bulldoze or the Guild Mage with Rule of Law) be used to remove an Assault Marker placed by the Rain Hellfire ability (Artillerist)?
A. Yes. Such abilities would not be an enemy effect, even though it is enemy-controlled, and therefore an Assault Marker placed by Rain Hellfire can be removed in this way. /MWS GUILD.11/
Q. If a Stitched Together dies from it’s own Gamble Your Life, does the defending model count as killing it?
A. Yes. The defending model is treating as if it had taken the Gamble Your Life action. /MWS NVB.01/
Q. If Zoraida declares Regret while generated actions in queue (such as an attack from Onslaught), do the generated actions resolve?
A. No. Regret immediately ends the activation. /MWS NVB.02/
Q. What does “Another” refer to on Nekima, Broodmother’s Vital Strike attack?
A. “Another” refers to “other than the target.” /MWS NVB.03/
Q. Does Just a Rat? Count as a chain activation?
A. Yes, Just a Rat? counts as a chain activation (See Chain Activations on Page 21 of the Digital Rules). If Just a Rat? is used twice in a row, a third model may not be activated. /MWS OUT.01/
Q. Can Bete Noir use Rise Again while not buried?
A. Yes. The italics that state Rise Again can be used while buried is an additional effect of the action, not a cost or special requirement (See Actions on Page 22 of the Digital Rules). In contrast, targeting a corpse marker is a cost of the action. /MWS RES.01/
Q. Can Amputate drop any marker that would drop on a model’s death, including Demise markers such as Pyre Markers from Smoldering Heart?
A. Yes /MWS RES.02/
Q. Can Seamus, AKA Sebastian Baker declare triggers on an attack generated from Why Hello Love, if the movement the generated Why Hello Love was a trigger?
A. Yes. Why Hello Love generates the attack action, not the trigger that caused the move. /MWS RES.03/
Q. When a model is in the area of effect of both the Eye of the Hurricane aura and the Alone in the Dark trigger of Seamus, aka Sebastian Baker, will a third aura impact the model?
A. No. This is a very unclear area in the ruleset, and for MWS games, we are ruling that any third aura interacting with a model affected by these two auras will have its effect canceled. /MWS RES.04/
Q. How many other friendly Big Hat or Redchapel models within aura-3 does the White Rabbit Co.’s Local Haberdashery ability require in order to add a suit of its choice to its duel totals?
A. Two or more. While a RAW reading might allow the White Rabbit Co. to count itself, we believe that this ability, like “Face in the Crowd,” contains a typo, and should read “other” models. /MWS RES.05/
Q. When does Talent Scout on Seamus, AKA Sebastion Baker check for “takes an action” and when does it apply distracted?
A. ● Talent Scout checks “takes an action” as “declares an action.” ● Distracted is applied after resolving the action (step c.2.f). /MWS RES.06/
Q. If McCabe, Tomb Delver uses Treasure Hunter to take the “Take This!" bonus action, can he give the upgrade to himself?
A. No. McCabe cannot move the upgrade from himself to himself. He already has a copy of the upgrade and is not a legal target to gain it. /MWS TEN.01/
Q. Can McCabe give the upgrade to a different friendly wastrel in range, then use Treasure Hunter to return it to himself? Would he gain one or both instances of shielded?
A. ● Yes. McCabe can use “Take This!" to move the upgrade, then Treasure Hunter may attach it to himself in the next step of resolving Treasure Hunter. ● McCabe receives Shielded +2. Treasure Hunter finishes resolving by giving Shielded +1 to “itself” (eg, “this model”) and an additional Shielded +1 to “that model” (eg, the friendly Wastel within Aura 5” that received the upgrade).
Q. How exactly does Control of the Red Library work?
A. Control of the Red Library allows Linh Ly, Bibliothecary to treat certain objects as being in base contact with herself. ○ CotRL doesn't affect Strategy Markers in any way. ○ CotRL grants base contact, but doesn't grant 0" distance, e.g. she cannot treat a model as being within 1" or less for purposes of passing a Cursed Token in Cursed Objects. ○ CotRL can be used to: 1) Drop a Scheme Marker anywhere within 4" or 2) remove any number of Scheme Markers within 4". As of GG3, CotRL does not grant any other benefits. /MWS TEN.03/
Q. When a Carve the Path strategy marker removes a marker it is pushed through, who removes that marker, for the purposes of, eg, Rain Hellfire, Ruins of the Aua, Dependable, or other effects that reference or prevent enemy-controlled actions removing markers?
A. The model controlling the push removes the marker, and the effect is treated as an effect under that model's control and with that model's alignment. /MWS AAI.01/
Q. Is Concealing Terrain ignored by models with Sz greater than the terrain Ht?
A. ● No. Concealing Terrain applies whenever sight lines are drawn through it (see Terrain Traits on Page 37 of the Digital Rules). ● The rules for Line of Sight and Size come into play specifically when determining line of sight. Drawing sight lines and determining line of sight are related, but separate mechanics. Example: Georgy and Olaf have the Two Gremlins in a Ghillie Suit upgrade and are standing on a Ht 2 hill, making them Ht 6 total. In front of them is a Ht 5 forest and on the other side of this forest is a Sz 2 Autumn Knight. G&O can see the knight because they can ignore the dense forest when drawing line of sight. However, when making a custom firearm attack, sight lines pass through concealing forest, so the knight gets the benefit of concealment. /MWS TER.01/
Q. Can a model be in base contact with impassable terrain.
A. Yes /MWS TER.02/
Q. Player One unburies a Soulstone Miner next to a Guard the Stash Strategy Marker. Player Two has a model within 2" of it. Who controls the Marker?
A. Neither player controls this Strategy Marker. Each player checks if they have more models within 2" of the Marker than their opponent. From Player One's perspective, he has 0 - Soulstone Miner is ignored for friendly strategies - and his opponent has 1. From Player Two's perspective they both have a model keeping the Marker - Soulstone Miner is not ignored for enemy strategies. /MWS ENC.01/
Q. Do models with Summon Upgrades and freshly unburied Soulstone Miners that are engaging a model prevent the engaged model from scoring Covert Operations?
A. Yes. Covert Operations only cares if a model is engaged by an enemy model. It does not look at summon upgrades and unburied models are only discounted for friendly strategies. /MWS ENC.02/
Q. Do insignificant models that are engaging a model prevent the engaged model from scoring Covert Operations?
A. No. Covert Operations cares if models are “engaged by an enemy model.” Since insignificant models are ignored for strats and schemes, Cov Ops “sees” that a model is engaged, but does not see an enemy model.
Q. At the start of the game, can intel tokens be placed on models deploying From the Shadows?
A. Yes. Recover Evidence does not specify that the model must be in play to receive intel tokens. /MWC ENC.04/
Q. At the start of the game, can the lodestone be placed on a model deploying From the Shadows?
A. No. Corrupted Ley Lines specifies the lodestone must be placed on a model in play. /MWS ENC..05/
Q. What happens to the lodestone when its carrier replaces?
A. It passes to the new model. The lodestone is a token and tokens pass to the new model in Step 3 of the replace process. /MWS ENC.06/
Q. How exactly does throwing the lodestone work?
A. ● The lodestone may be thrown to a legal recipient within 6” of the model taking the Interact action. ● The model taking the Interact action may be the recipient of the lodestone. ● The model carrying the lodestone may take the Interact action to throw it to another model. /MWS ENC.07/
Q. In Symbols of Authority or Break the Line, what happens if Strategy Markers are placed in a way that there is no room to place the final marker(s)?
A. See Gaining Ground Season 2, Page 11; remove markers until there is space for all remaining markers, then continue placement. /MWS ENC.08/
Q. Can Strategy Markers in Symbols of Authority be placed in a position where they cannot be scored?
A. No. A symbol cannot be placed in a location where no model can legally stand in base contact with it. This is in the spirit of Unreachable Areas (See Gaining Grounds Season 3 Page 11). /MWS ENC.09/
Q. What happens if a model holds the Lodestone and uses Take the Hit?
A. The model using Take the Hit will become the new target of the attack but the place effect is ignored. The place effect and changing the target of the attack are not contingent on each other /MWS ENC.10/
Q. In Turf War, does a Turf Marker flip from Friendly to Neutral when an enemy model kills a friendly model summoned this turn?
A. Yes. “Friendly schemes and strategies” should be understood to mean “friendly schemes and friendly strategies”. /MWS ENC.11/
Q. Can models with LOS node abilities (such as Ice Mirror, Eyes in the Night, Refraction, etc) interact with strategy markers and strategy tokens through those abilities?
A. The below is a Wyrd ruling from the Nov 2022 errata; it will apply to Carve A Path, Corrupted Ley Lines, and Cursed Objects (strategies that involve measuring a distance to a strategy marker or model when taking an interact action) for the MWS: Carve a Path – Can a model drawing LoS and range from another object within 1" of a Strategy Marker in Carve a Path take the Interact Action to Push that Strategy Marker? ● Yes, the model is considered within 1" of the Strategy Marker for the purposes of that Interact Action, however the model’s physical position on the board does not change. It therefore would not be considered within range of any Auras, Terrain, or effects within range of the object it is drawing LoS from (unless the model’s base was also within range of those effects). For example,if Rasputina used Ice Mirror to Interact with a Strategy Marker in Carve a Path and that Ice Pillar was inside a Pyre Marker,Rasputina would not suffer the effects of the Hazardous Terrain. (Wyrd, Nov 2022) ● However, strategy marker interactions that require you to be in base contact (Plant Explosives, Corrupted Idols, Recover Evidence, Symbols of Authority, Break the Line, and Turf War) will not be available via noding abilities for MWS events, using the FAQ’s language that “the model’s physical position on the board does not change” and “would not be considered within range of any Auras, Terrain, or effects within range [...] unless the model’s base was also within range of those effects”) and the core rules definition that “two objects are said to be in base contact if their bases are physically touching each other.” /MWS ENC.12/
Q. For the endgame point of In Your Face, how is the highest-cost model determined, if models have been replaced or otherwise changed cost during the game?
A. ● All models that had the highest cost when the list was originally hired are eligible. Models that became higher-costed over the course of the game are not eligible. ● (For example, a Mounted Guard that was the highest cost unit, and has replaced into a Guard patrol via demise would be eligible to score the point, as would a Coryphee that has been designated as the continuing model for schemes and strats after a Coryphee Duet uses Dance Apart to replace. An Emissary that began as an Effigy with upgrade and is only now highest-cost would not. A re-summoned model, such as Lord Chompy Bits in Dreamer, Insomniac, would not be the same model as the hired one. Etc.) /MWS ENC.13/
Q. How much time is on the Clock?
A. ● Round time is split evenly between the players. ● For casual play, give each player 90 minutes. ● For Practice games, give each player 67-75 minutes. ● Some tournaments games will have timers as low as 60 minutes per player, but will include 15 minutes of setup before clocks need to start. ● During a tournament, only a TO or judge may adjust the allotted playtime.
Q. What happens when you Clock Out?
A. You may not: ● Activate models ● Declare actions ● Declare triggers ● Move models ● Choose to use "may" abilities on your models ● Cheat fate ● Use Soulstones ● Draw cards You may still: ● Score Points ● Win the game ● Flip duels generated by your opponent ● Discard soulstones, cards, or markers from your opponent's effects ● Resolve "must" abilities on your models that do not require moving models or flipping cards
Q. What does, “(to a maximum of once per Action or Ability)” mean in the Hazardous Terrain definition? If a model resolves an Ability inside of an Action, such as being Pushed by an enemy into Hazardous Terrain and then using Butterfly Jump, would it suffer 1 damage or 2?
A. “To a maximum of once per Action or Ability” is inclusive in this context, and the Hazardous effect is capped at one until fully resolving the Action or Ability. This means in the case of Butterfly Jump, the model would only suffer the effects of Hazardous Terrain once
Q. What happens if a model has multiple Triggers that it could declare, that must be declared if able?
A. Simultaneous effects would apply. If for example, a model with both the Sellout and Arrythmia Triggers flips a
, the model would choose one of the Triggers to be declared first. Then, since a model can only declare one Trigger at a time, it would no longer be able to declare the second Trigger causing it to have no effect.
Q. How do Scent of Blood and the Hold Down Trigger interact? Could the two theoretically chain Attacks forever, if you had the cards to spend?
A. Yes
Q. What happens when a model with the Gremlin in a Guille Suit Upgrade is near a model with Academic Superiority, causing them to lower their Sz and blocking LoS to the model with Academic Superiority?
A. In this case, the Gremlin in a Guille suit Upgrade would be ignored, regardless if ignoring the Upgrade causes the model with Academic Superiority to lose LoS to the model.
Q. What happens when a Scheme Marker is affected by both Koji’s Leader of the Sayuri and Anya’s Expansionist Ability at the same time?
A. The Scheme Marker would gain both instances of Hazardous; Sayuri models friendly to Koji would treat the Markers both as Hazardous (Shielded +1) and suffer 1 damage from the Hazardous effect. Simultaneous effects (p. 35) would apply, and the Sayuri model would be able to choose which Hazardous effect to resolve first.
Q. Is damage from the Envelop in Shadow Action 3 damage one time, or 1 damage three times?
A. 1 damage, occurring up to three times.
Q. How does the White Rabbit Co.’s “Don’t’ Be Late!” Trigger work? Does the target only gain Staggered if it actually moves?
A. The target will always gain Staggered, even if it does not move as result of an effect such as Laugh Off. In this case, “after moving” is not a conditional clause, but a timing clarification.
Q. How does the Misdirection Ability work? Does, “suffer the effects of the Action” mean “apply the text of the Action to the chosen model,” or “whatever would have happened to this model, happens to the chosen model instead?”
A. The latter. The Misdirection Ability makes Steps 5 and 6 of Resolving Actions (pg. 23) apply to the chosen model, instead of the original target of the Action. In the event that the Initiating model does not succeed, Step 5 is skipped and therefore the effect of the Action applied to the model chosen by Misdirection would also be skipped (barring After Resolving effects).
Q. If a model declares the Onslaught Trigger during the same Action where its target declares the Regret Trigger, does the model still get to take the Attack generated by Onslaught?
A. Yes. Regret ends Step 2 (Taking Actions) of the Activation Phase and forces the model into Step 3 (End Activation).
Q. Immolate – Does Incorporeal reduce damage from the Immolate Action?
A. Yes. The damage from Immolate is both from the Burning Condition and from an Attack Action. Any modifiers from both sources affect the Action (such as Incorporeal and Flaming Body).
Q. Dabbler – Can a Dabbler relent to the duel used to determine the success of its own Tactical Action, Ride the Aetheric Currents, in order to use Unexpected Outcome to add the top card of its discard pile to its Crew’s Configuration, without flipping any cards?
A. Yes. The duel needed to succeed a Tactical Action is a simple duel as it does not have a Resist stat (pg 10). Since the November 2022 Errata, models may relent to simple duels generated by friendly models, including duels generated by themselves.
Q. Marcus – How does Marcus’ Beastmaster Ability interact with the Bans format? If Marcus’ opponent bans the December Keyword, can he still hire the Blessed of December, treating it as a Versatile model?
A. Yes
Q. Moleman – If a friendly model removes a Tunnel Marker to take the Moleman’s Tunneling Action (using the Through the Mountain Ability) does this count as a generated Action and can the model take a second
Action after using Tunneling?
A. When taken as a result of the Through the Mountain Ability, Tunneling does not count as a generated Action. It simply allows the model to resolve the Action, and therefore the model would be unable to declare another
Action during that Activation.
Q. Sparks LeBlanc – What does, “Friendly models are unaffected by these Pit Trap Markers,” mean? Are they only affected by the Scrap Markers being treated as Pit Traps?
A. Friendly models are unaffected by all Pit Trap Markers within a6 of Sparks.
Q. Lucius Mattheson – While Legalese Upgrades have the Plentiful (5) Limitation, the other side of Lucius’ Upgrades, such as Fee Negotiation, do not. How many face-up copies of Fee Negotiation can be in play at the same time? How many face-down copies of Fee Negotiation can be in play at the same time?
A. Upgrades are, by default, unique. Since Fee Negotiation does not have the Plentiful (X) Limitation, no more than one copy of Fee Negotiation may be in play at any time, whether it is face-up or face-down. Therefore, Crews may not have more than one copy of the Above the Law / Fee Negotiation Double-Sided Upgrade in play at the same time. However, the Crew may have multiple copies of Above the Law in play, so long as all of the backs are different. Note that the text of the unrevealed side is still considered blank until it is flipped to that side, its Limitations are simply still in effect.
Q. Dr. McMourning, Insanitary – If a Mindless Zombie is killed near Dr. McMourning as a result of suffering damage, can McMourning use Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle to draw a card or Drop a second Corpse Marker?
A. Yes
Q. Misaki Katanaka – If Misaki Unburies using From Shadow with no Shadow Markers on the table, can she choose not to Unbury in base contact with Shang and instead Unbury anywhere in her Deployment Zone?
A. No
Q. Misaki Katanaka – If Misaki reshuffles three
s back into her deck using the “You’re Already Dead” Trigger, can she choose the same model three times?
A. No
Q. Wastrel – What happens if a model Activates with two Artifact Upgrades Attached, one from the previous Turn, and one Attached this Turn? Will Paid With Trinkets give the model Fast, or not because the model cannot gain a second instance of an Ability it already has?
A. Since a model cannot gain the same Ability twice (pg. 24) the Paid With Trinkets Ability on the Upgrade Attached this Turn would be ignored and therefore the model would not gain Fast.