Q. How does the White Rabbit Co.’s “Don’t’ Be Late!” Trigger work? Does the target only gain Staggered if it actually moves?
A. The target will always gain Staggered, even if it does not move as result of an effect such as Laugh Off. In this case, “after moving” is not a conditional clause, but a timing clarification.
Q. Shouting Orders – Can a model use Shouting Orders to discard a card without taking the Concentrate Action?
A. Yes
A. The target will always gain Staggered, even if it does not move as result of an effect such as Laugh Off. In this case, “after moving” is not a conditional clause, but a timing clarification.
Q. Shouting Orders – Can a model use Shouting Orders to discard a card without taking the Concentrate Action?
A. Yes
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