Dr. McMourning - Insanitary
Station: MASTER
Characteristic(s): LIVING
Errata History
° Plastic Surgery Action is restricted to Experimental models
and TN increased from 12 to 13.
° Desperate Plot Action now discards Appendage upgrades if
a new one is Attached.
° Desperate Plot stat changed from 6 to 6r. -February 2022
and TN increased from 12 to 13.
° Desperate Plot Action now discards Appendage upgrades if
a new one is Attached.
° Desperate Plot stat changed from 6 to 6r. -February 2022
Q. Dr. McMourning, Insanitary – What happens if Dr. McMourning uses his Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Ability when a Mindless Zombie was removed as a Corpse Marker? If McMourning removes a Scheme Marker, is the Scheme Marker he Drops friendly to McMourning?
A. The Mindless Zombie would be killed by its Walking Dead Ability, removed from the table, and McMourning could either choose to draw a card or Drop a single Corpse Marker. Since the Ability states to Drop “the removed Marker”, if McMourning used the Ability on an enemy Scheme Marker, the Dropped Scheme Marker would be an enemy Scheme Marker, and vice versa.
Q. Dr. McMourning, Insanitary – If a Mindless Zombie is killed near Dr. McMourning as a result of suffering damage, can McMourning use Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle to draw a card or Drop a second Corpse Marker?
A. Yes
A. The Mindless Zombie would be killed by its Walking Dead Ability, removed from the table, and McMourning could either choose to draw a card or Drop a single Corpse Marker. Since the Ability states to Drop “the removed Marker”, if McMourning used the Ability on an enemy Scheme Marker, the Dropped Scheme Marker would be an enemy Scheme Marker, and vice versa.
Q. Dr. McMourning, Insanitary – If a Mindless Zombie is killed near Dr. McMourning as a result of suffering damage, can McMourning use Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle to draw a card or Drop a second Corpse Marker?
A. Yes
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