Kastore - Fervent
Station: MASTER
Keyword(s): RETURNED
Characteristic(s): LIVING
Q. If a model has multiple Abilities that resolve after it is targeted (such as Terrifying (X), Protected (X), or another model’s Take the Hit Ability) can it resolve more than one?
A. Yes. When a model is targeted all effects that would resolve are generated at the same time and can be resolved in any order (as per Simultaneous Effects on Pg 34). However, some effects may change the target of the Action, in which case that new model is not targeted and as such those effects aren’t generated a second time. Additionally, abilities such as Manipulative that affect Actions that target “this model” only apply to those Actions that are still targeting that model. For example, if a model with Take the Hit changes the target of an Action to itself, it would not benefit from any of the initial target’s Abilities such as Manipulative that require the Action to target “this model”, nor could it benefit from more of its own abilities that resolve when it is targeted (such as Terrifying).
Q. My Loyal Servant – Can the My Loyal Servant Trigger be used to Heal the target of an Action?
A. Yes
Q. When determining how much damage a model suffered from an effect (for purposes such as the Necrotic Decay Trigger), is damage reduction accounted for?
A. Yes. Whenever an effect is referring to the amount of damage a model suffered from an effect, it is always referring to the amount the model’s Health was lowered in Step 4 of Damage Timing (pg. 34). It is important to note a model’s Health can never be reduced below 0. As such, excess damage past 0 is not treated as damage suffered by the model.
Q. Hard to Kill – If a model has 2 Health remaining, can it choose to suffer 2 damage from the Necrotic Decay Trigger to increase its damage by +2 because its Hard to Kill Ability will keep it alive?
A. Any damage that would be suffered in excess due to Hard to Kill is ignored for all game effects, including costs. For example, if the Rogue Necromancy has 2 Health remaining and chooses to suffer 2 damage when declaring the Necrotic Decay Trigger, it would suffer 1 damage before Hard to Kill applies, the excess 1 damage would be ignored, and Necrotic Decay would only increase its damage by +1.
A. Yes. When a model is targeted all effects that would resolve are generated at the same time and can be resolved in any order (as per Simultaneous Effects on Pg 34). However, some effects may change the target of the Action, in which case that new model is not targeted and as such those effects aren’t generated a second time. Additionally, abilities such as Manipulative that affect Actions that target “this model” only apply to those Actions that are still targeting that model. For example, if a model with Take the Hit changes the target of an Action to itself, it would not benefit from any of the initial target’s Abilities such as Manipulative that require the Action to target “this model”, nor could it benefit from more of its own abilities that resolve when it is targeted (such as Terrifying).
Q. My Loyal Servant – Can the My Loyal Servant Trigger be used to Heal the target of an Action?
A. Yes
Q. When determining how much damage a model suffered from an effect (for purposes such as the Necrotic Decay Trigger), is damage reduction accounted for?
A. Yes. Whenever an effect is referring to the amount of damage a model suffered from an effect, it is always referring to the amount the model’s Health was lowered in Step 4 of Damage Timing (pg. 34). It is important to note a model’s Health can never be reduced below 0. As such, excess damage past 0 is not treated as damage suffered by the model.
Q. Hard to Kill – If a model has 2 Health remaining, can it choose to suffer 2 damage from the Necrotic Decay Trigger to increase its damage by +2 because its Hard to Kill Ability will keep it alive?
A. Any damage that would be suffered in excess due to Hard to Kill is ignored for all game effects, including costs. For example, if the Rogue Necromancy has 2 Health remaining and chooses to suffer 2 damage when declaring the Necrotic Decay Trigger, it would suffer 1 damage before Hard to Kill applies, the excess 1 damage would be ignored, and Necrotic Decay would only increase its damage by +1.