Q. Stealth – If a model is drawing LoS through another object to target a model with Stealth (via another Ability such as Zoraida’s Eyes in the Night), does the initial model taking the Action need to be within 6" of the target?
A. No. Only the object from which LoS is drawn needs to be within 6" of the targeted model with Stealth. This applies even if the Action itself would normally ignore range. Note: Stealth has no effect while a model is Buried.
Q. Gunfighter - When treating a Action as having a range of 1", is the Action still treated as a () Action?
A. No. The entire range of the Action changes from X" to 1".
Q. Gunfighter - Can a model with Gunfighter use one of its Shockwave Actions as a Action?
A. Yes. Gunfighter can be used to treat Shockwave Actions as Actions, in which case all Shockwave Markers must be Dropped within 1" of the model taking the Action. If the Shockwave Action is being generated as a result of the Disengage Action the normal effects of the Action, such as damage and Triggers, are ignored (as usual) and the opposing model resists the Action with the Stat listed in the Shockwave; such as Mv for the Throw Dynamite Action.
Q. If Dr. Watson ends his Activation, then uses Heat of Battle to take the Assist Action and gain Fast from Quick Cure, does that Fast end then and there or would it last until the end of his next Activation? What if Dr. Watson already had Fast on him before ending his Activation?
A. In this case, the Fast would not last until his next Activation. Fast would immediately end, even if Dr. Watson ended his Activation with Fast and chose to end that Fast before resolving Heat of Battle.
A. No. Only the object from which LoS is drawn needs to be within 6" of the targeted model with Stealth. This applies even if the Action itself would normally ignore range. Note: Stealth has no effect while a model is Buried.
Q. Gunfighter - When treating a Action as having a range of 1", is the Action still treated as a () Action?
A. No. The entire range of the Action changes from X" to 1".
Q. Gunfighter - Can a model with Gunfighter use one of its Shockwave Actions as a Action?
A. Yes. Gunfighter can be used to treat Shockwave Actions as Actions, in which case all Shockwave Markers must be Dropped within 1" of the model taking the Action. If the Shockwave Action is being generated as a result of the Disengage Action the normal effects of the Action, such as damage and Triggers, are ignored (as usual) and the opposing model resists the Action with the Stat listed in the Shockwave; such as Mv for the Throw Dynamite Action.
Q. If Dr. Watson ends his Activation, then uses Heat of Battle to take the Assist Action and gain Fast from Quick Cure, does that Fast end then and there or would it last until the end of his next Activation? What if Dr. Watson already had Fast on him before ending his Activation?
A. In this case, the Fast would not last until his next Activation. Fast would immediately end, even if Dr. Watson ended his Activation with Fast and chose to end that Fast before resolving Heat of Battle.