Sensei Yu
Errata History
Brutal Sensei only gives Chi when a friendly model is damaged by an enemy effect.
-Gaining Grounds 1
Q. Does Hard to Kill reduce the damage taken for the purposes of irreducible damage?
A. No. Hard to Kill prevents a model’s Health from being reduced and does not reduce damage.
Q. Hard to Kill – If a model has 2 Health remaining, can it choose to suffer 2 damage from the Necrotic Decay Trigger to increase its damage by +2 because its Hard to Kill Ability will keep it alive?
A. Any damage that would be suffered in excess due to Hard to Kill is ignored for all game effects, including costs. For example, if the Rogue Necromancy has 2 Health remaining and chooses to suffer 2 damage when declaring the Necrotic Decay Trigger, it would suffer 1 damage before Hard to Kill applies, the excess 1 damage would be ignored, and Necrotic Decay would only increase its damage by +1.
Q. If a model uses an effect such as Harness Chi to increase its duel total, does that modifier also get added to its final duel total? If the model had a lower flipped duel total but uses Harness Chi to increase its current duel total above the opposing model’s duel total, would it now Cheat Fate second?
A. Yes. Modifiers that affect a model’s duel total continue to affect its final duel total (unless otherwise stated) but are not added an additional time when calculating a model’s final duel total. If a modifier is applied before any model in a duel Cheats Fate, this may affect who Cheats Fate first.
Q. How does the White Rabbit Co.’s “Don’t’ Be Late!” Trigger work? Does the target only gain Staggered if it actually moves?
A. The target will always gain Staggered, even if it does not move as result of an effect such as Laugh Off. In this case, “after moving” is not a conditional clause, but a timing clarification.
Q. Shouting Orders – Can a model use Shouting Orders to discard a card without taking the Concentrate Action?
A. Yes
A. No. Hard to Kill prevents a model’s Health from being reduced and does not reduce damage.
Q. Hard to Kill – If a model has 2 Health remaining, can it choose to suffer 2 damage from the Necrotic Decay Trigger to increase its damage by +2 because its Hard to Kill Ability will keep it alive?
A. Any damage that would be suffered in excess due to Hard to Kill is ignored for all game effects, including costs. For example, if the Rogue Necromancy has 2 Health remaining and chooses to suffer 2 damage when declaring the Necrotic Decay Trigger, it would suffer 1 damage before Hard to Kill applies, the excess 1 damage would be ignored, and Necrotic Decay would only increase its damage by +1.
Q. If a model uses an effect such as Harness Chi to increase its duel total, does that modifier also get added to its final duel total? If the model had a lower flipped duel total but uses Harness Chi to increase its current duel total above the opposing model’s duel total, would it now Cheat Fate second?
A. Yes. Modifiers that affect a model’s duel total continue to affect its final duel total (unless otherwise stated) but are not added an additional time when calculating a model’s final duel total. If a modifier is applied before any model in a duel Cheats Fate, this may affect who Cheats Fate first.
Q. How does the White Rabbit Co.’s “Don’t’ Be Late!” Trigger work? Does the target only gain Staggered if it actually moves?
A. The target will always gain Staggered, even if it does not move as result of an effect such as Laugh Off. In this case, “after moving” is not a conditional clause, but a timing clarification.
Q. Shouting Orders – Can a model use Shouting Orders to discard a card without taking the Concentrate Action?
A. Yes
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