The Lone Marshal


Faction(s): THE GUILD

Keyword(s): MARSHAL

Characteristic(s): LIVING

Q. Filthy SpearFilthy Spear states: “Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. Models damaged by this Action suffer +1 damage if this Action was generated by the Charge Action.” If a Kentauroi takes the Charge Action and uses Filthy Spear, would its Rear Up Trigger be increased to 3 damage?
A. No, this is an unintended interaction. Treat the Filthy Spear Action as if it were written, “If this Action was generated by the Charge Action, the target suffers 3/4/5 damage. Otherwise, the target suffers 2/3/4 damage.”
Q. If a model is subject to an effect that Replaces it with a new model after it is killed, such as Demise (Dead Horse), and the model is killed by an effect such as the Exorcism or Execute Triggers, is the model that is Replaces into killed?
A. Yes