Yannic Waller
Errata History
° Ingenuity Ability changed to, “Once per Activation. When a friendly model within 6 would discard a card from its Control Hand, if it is within 2” of a friendly Scheme Marker, it may instead remove that Marker.”
° Close Race Trigger suit changed from to .
° Unexpected Results Trigger replaced with Surge.
° Consolidate Power Action gained Draw Out Secrets Trigger -July 2023
° Close Race Trigger suit changed from to .
° Unexpected Results Trigger replaced with Surge.
° Consolidate Power Action gained Draw Out Secrets Trigger -July 2023
Q. Does Hard to Kill reduce the damage taken for the purposes of irreducible damage?
A. No. Hard to Kill prevents a model’s Health from being reduced and does not reduce damage.
Q. Hard to Kill – If a model has 2 Health remaining, can it choose to suffer 2 damage from the Necrotic Decay Trigger to increase its damage by +2 because its Hard to Kill Ability will keep it alive?
A. Any damage that would be suffered in excess due to Hard to Kill is ignored for all game effects, including costs. For example, if the Rogue Necromancy has 2 Health remaining and chooses to suffer 2 damage when declaring the Necrotic Decay Trigger, it would suffer 1 damage before Hard to Kill applies, the excess 1 damage would be ignored, and Necrotic Decay would only increase its damage by +1.
Q. Gunfighter - When treating a Action as having a range of 1", is the Action still treated as a () Action?
A. No. The entire range of the Action changes from X" to 1".
Q. Gunfighter - Can a model with Gunfighter use one of its Shockwave Actions as a Action?
A. Yes. Gunfighter can be used to treat Shockwave Actions as Actions, in which case all Shockwave Markers must be Dropped within 1" of the model taking the Action. If the Shockwave Action is being generated as a result of the Disengage Action the normal effects of the Action, such as damage and Triggers, are ignored (as usual) and the opposing model resists the Action with the Stat listed in the Shockwave; such as Mv for the Throw Dynamite Action.
Q. Shouting Orders – Can a model use Shouting Orders to discard a card without taking the Concentrate Action?
A. Yes
A. No. Hard to Kill prevents a model’s Health from being reduced and does not reduce damage.
Q. Hard to Kill – If a model has 2 Health remaining, can it choose to suffer 2 damage from the Necrotic Decay Trigger to increase its damage by +2 because its Hard to Kill Ability will keep it alive?
A. Any damage that would be suffered in excess due to Hard to Kill is ignored for all game effects, including costs. For example, if the Rogue Necromancy has 2 Health remaining and chooses to suffer 2 damage when declaring the Necrotic Decay Trigger, it would suffer 1 damage before Hard to Kill applies, the excess 1 damage would be ignored, and Necrotic Decay would only increase its damage by +1.
Q. Gunfighter - When treating a Action as having a range of 1", is the Action still treated as a () Action?
A. No. The entire range of the Action changes from X" to 1".
Q. Gunfighter - Can a model with Gunfighter use one of its Shockwave Actions as a Action?
A. Yes. Gunfighter can be used to treat Shockwave Actions as Actions, in which case all Shockwave Markers must be Dropped within 1" of the model taking the Action. If the Shockwave Action is being generated as a result of the Disengage Action the normal effects of the Action, such as damage and Triggers, are ignored (as usual) and the opposing model resists the Action with the Stat listed in the Shockwave; such as Mv for the Throw Dynamite Action.
Q. Shouting Orders – Can a model use Shouting Orders to discard a card without taking the Concentrate Action?
A. Yes