The Other Coast Podcast
We’re happy to introduce The Other Coast, a podcast dedicated to the musings and misadventures of the Los Angeles Malifaux meta. Our goal is to provide a Southern California voice to the wider Wyrd discussion. Whether you’re a veteran soulstone hunter, or just newly through the Breach, we hope you’ll find our content interesting and entertaining!
Arcanist Upgrades
Jeff and Colgan discuss the Arcanist Faction upgrades: When do they take them, which models they benefit, and how they stack up against other Faction upgrades.
Bayou Upgrades
Jim and Colgan discuss the Bayou Faction upgrades: When do they take them, which models they benefit, and how they stack up against other Faction upgrades.
Is Coppelius a good scheme runner?
In commemoration of our first Patreon supporter, Jeff and Colgan address a topic they requested, discussing what makes a model in Malifaux a good scheme runner and whether or not Coppelius fits the bill.
Master Spotlight: Collodi
Jeff and Colgan dive into the dark and murky world of Dead Man’s Hand to talk about the iconic Neverborn master Collodi and the Puppet keyword.