
Station: MINION

Faction(s): BAYOU

Keyword(s): ANGLER

Characteristic(s): LIVING BEAST

Q. Make Way! – If a model with the Butterfly Jump and Make Way! Abilities uses Butterfly Jump to move through another model, does the model that was moved through need to pass a duel or suffer the damage from Make Way!?
A. Yes
Q. Make Way! – If a model with the Butterfly Jump and Make Way! Abilities uses Butterfly Jump to move through another model, does the model that was moved through need to pass a duel or suffer the damage from Make Way!?
A. Yes
Q. Filthy SpearFilthy Spear states: “Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. Models damaged by this Action suffer +1 damage if this Action was generated by the Charge Action.” If a Kentauroi takes the Charge Action and uses Filthy Spear, would its Rear Up Trigger be increased to 3 damage?
A. No, this is an unintended interaction. Treat the Filthy Spear Action as if it were written, “If this Action was generated by the Charge Action, the target suffers 3/4/5 damage. Otherwise, the target suffers 2/3/4 damage.”