Q. Make Way! – If a model with the Butterfly Jump and Make Way! Abilities uses Butterfly Jump to move through another model, does the model that was moved through need to pass a duel or suffer the damage from Make Way!?
A. Yes
Q. Make Way! – If a model with the Butterfly Jump and Make Way! Abilities uses Butterfly Jump to move through another model, does the model that was moved through need to pass a duel or suffer the damage from Make Way!?
A. Yes
Q. What does, “(to a maximum of once per Action or Ability)” mean in the Hazardous Terrain definition? If a model resolves an Ability inside of an Action, such as being Pushed by an enemy into Hazardous Terrain and then using Butterfly Jump, would it suffer 1 damage or 2?
A. “To a maximum of once per Action or Ability” is inclusive in this context, and the Hazardous effect is capped at one until fully resolving the Action or Ability. This means in the case of Butterfly Jump, the model would only suffer the effects of Hazardous Terrain once
Q. Filthy Spear – Filthy Spear states: “Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. Models damaged by this Action suffer +1 damage if this Action was generated by the Charge Action.” If a Kentauroi takes the Charge Action and uses Filthy Spear, would its Rear Up Trigger be increased to 3 damage?
A. No, this is an unintended interaction. Treat the Filthy Spear Action as if it were written, “If this Action was generated by the Charge Action, the target suffers 3/4/5 damage. Otherwise, the target suffers 2/3/4 damage.”
A. Yes
Q. Make Way! – If a model with the Butterfly Jump and Make Way! Abilities uses Butterfly Jump to move through another model, does the model that was moved through need to pass a duel or suffer the damage from Make Way!?
A. Yes
Q. What does, “(to a maximum of once per Action or Ability)” mean in the Hazardous Terrain definition? If a model resolves an Ability inside of an Action, such as being Pushed by an enemy into Hazardous Terrain and then using Butterfly Jump, would it suffer 1 damage or 2?
A. “To a maximum of once per Action or Ability” is inclusive in this context, and the Hazardous effect is capped at one until fully resolving the Action or Ability. This means in the case of Butterfly Jump, the model would only suffer the effects of Hazardous Terrain once
Q. Filthy Spear – Filthy Spear states: “Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. Models damaged by this Action suffer +1 damage if this Action was generated by the Charge Action.” If a Kentauroi takes the Charge Action and uses Filthy Spear, would its Rear Up Trigger be increased to 3 damage?
A. No, this is an unintended interaction. Treat the Filthy Spear Action as if it were written, “If this Action was generated by the Charge Action, the target suffers 3/4/5 damage. Otherwise, the target suffers 2/3/4 damage.”
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