Lucas McCabe, Relic Hunter
Station: MASTER
Keyword(s): WASTREL
Characteristic(s): LIVING
Errata History
Bull Whip stat changed from 6 to 6 and now Pushes the target 1" instead of Pushing McCabe 2".
Health Reduced from 12 to 10.
“Careful, it’s Cursed!” may Attach the Artifact to McCabe but cannot target himself.
Gained Drag Along Trigger on Ride with Me.
Make Way! Replaced with Adventure Awaits!. -Gaining Grounds 2
Health Reduced from 12 to 10.
“Careful, it’s Cursed!” may Attach the Artifact to McCabe but cannot target himself.
Gained Drag Along Trigger on Ride with Me.
Make Way! Replaced with Adventure Awaits!. -Gaining Grounds 2
Q. Wastrel – What happens if a model Activates with two Artifact Upgrades Attached, one from the previous Turn, and one Attached this Turn? Will Paid With Trinkets give the model Fast, or not because the model cannot gain a second instance of an Ability it already has?
A. Since a model cannot gain the same Ability twice (pg. 24) the Paid With Trinkets Ability on the Upgrade Attached this Turn would be ignored and therefore the model would not gain Fast.
A. Since a model cannot gain the same Ability twice (pg. 24) the Paid With Trinkets Ability on the Upgrade Attached this Turn would be ignored and therefore the model would not gain Fast.
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