Wicked Doll
Q. Stealth – If a model is drawing LoS through another object to target a model with Stealth (via another Ability such as Zoraida’s Eyes in the Night), does the initial model taking the Action need to be within 6" of the target?
A. No. Only the object from which LoS is drawn needs to be within 6" of the targeted model with Stealth. This applies even if the Action itself would normally ignore range. Note: Stealth has no effect while a model is Buried.
Q. If a model that can move through models Pushes toward another model, can it Push completely through the other model?
A. Yes. For example, when Samael Hopkins uses Creep Along on the Purifying Flame he can choose his reference points such that he moves as depicted below so long as he has enough movement to end the Push in base contact with, but not overlapping, the Purifying Flame’s base: [Image not Available]
A. No. Only the object from which LoS is drawn needs to be within 6" of the targeted model with Stealth. This applies even if the Action itself would normally ignore range. Note: Stealth has no effect while a model is Buried.
Q. If a model that can move through models Pushes toward another model, can it Push completely through the other model?
A. Yes. For example, when Samael Hopkins uses Creep Along on the Purifying Flame he can choose his reference points such that he moves as depicted below so long as he has enough movement to end the Push in base contact with, but not overlapping, the Purifying Flame’s base: [Image not Available]
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