Bad Juju
Q. Are two Abilities that are prefaced by the same text (before parenthesis) the same Ability?
A. No. Abilities such as Demise (Eternal) and Demise (Dead Horse) are two separate Abilities and can both affect a model at a single time. There are some effects that specify Demise Abilities, which affect all abilities prefaced by Demise.
Q. If a model is Staggered (or has Planted Roots) can it be moved by its own Actions that are controlled by another model?*
A. Yes. Actions such as Obey that allow to a model take an action aren’t directly moving it. Instead it is moving itself, but not under its own control.
A. No. Abilities such as Demise (Eternal) and Demise (Dead Horse) are two separate Abilities and can both affect a model at a single time. There are some effects that specify Demise Abilities, which affect all abilities prefaced by Demise.
Q. If a model is Staggered (or has Planted Roots) can it be moved by its own Actions that are controlled by another model?*
A. Yes. Actions such as Obey that allow to a model take an action aren’t directly moving it. Instead it is moving itself, but not under its own control.