Errata History
° Unimpeded replaced with Favorable Terrain.
° Gained Through the Mountain and Rough Ground
° Gained Dig Deep Bonus Action.
° Tunneling adjusted to by 8" range, Stat 5, TN 8, and can
target any Terrain or Scheme Marker.
° Gained Diggin’ Holes Trigger on Tunneling.
° Heath increased from 4 to 5. -February 2022
° Gained Through the Mountain and Rough Ground
° Gained Dig Deep Bonus Action.
° Tunneling adjusted to by 8" range, Stat 5, TN 8, and can
target any Terrain or Scheme Marker.
° Gained Diggin’ Holes Trigger on Tunneling.
° Heath increased from 4 to 5. -February 2022
Q. Moleman – If a friendly model removes a Tunnel Marker to take the Moleman’s Tunneling Action (using the Through the Mountain Ability) does this count as a generated Action and can the model take a second Action after using Tunneling?
A. When taken as a result of the Through the Mountain Ability, Tunneling does not count as a generated Action. It simply allows the model to resolve the Action, and therefore the model would be unable to declare another Action during that Activation.
A. When taken as a result of the Through the Mountain Ability, Tunneling does not count as a generated Action. It simply allows the model to resolve the Action, and therefore the model would be unable to declare another Action during that Activation.
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