Reva Cortinas - Luminary
Station: MASTER
Keyword(s): REVENANT
Characteristic(s): LIVING
Errata History
° Health 11 → 12.
° Df 5 → 6.
° Gained Fireproof Ability.
° Enkindle the Cult Ability removed.
° Funeral Pyre Ability replaced with new Guiding Light Ability.
° Tear Back the Veil Action no longer unnecessarily specifies “in any direction” to save space.
° Visions of Fire Ability no longer deals damage and only affects friendly models.
° Corrupting Flame Action
- Stat 6 → 6r.
- Pyrebloom Trigger replaced with Smolder.
° Unending Flame Trigger the Summoned Lampad now always has 4 Health.
° Lantern’s Light Action
- Gained Pyrebloom Trigger.
- Luminary’s Chosen Trigger no longer requires the friendly model to have Shielded, now only applies to the Attack Actions of other models. -2024 Errata
° Df 5 → 6.
° Gained Fireproof Ability.
° Enkindle the Cult Ability removed.
° Funeral Pyre Ability replaced with new Guiding Light Ability.
° Tear Back the Veil Action no longer unnecessarily specifies “in any direction” to save space.
° Visions of Fire Ability no longer deals damage and only affects friendly models.
° Corrupting Flame Action
- Stat 6 → 6r.
- Pyrebloom Trigger replaced with Smolder.
° Unending Flame Trigger the Summoned Lampad now always has 4 Health.
° Lantern’s Light Action
- Gained Pyrebloom Trigger.
- Luminary’s Chosen Trigger no longer requires the friendly model to have Shielded, now only applies to the Attack Actions of other models. -2024 Errata
Q. Immolate – Does Incorporeal reduce damage from the Immolate Action?
A. Yes. The damage from Immolate is both from the Burning Condition and from an Attack Action. Any modifiers from both sources affect the Action (such as Incorporeal and Flaming Body).
A. Yes. The damage from Immolate is both from the Burning Condition and from an Attack Action. Any modifiers from both sources affect the Action (such as Incorporeal and Flaming Body).