Delirious Thrall
Q. Woe - If a model gained the Stunned Condition while within 6 of three different models with Misery, does it suffer the effects of Misery three times?
A. No, it would only suffer the effects from Misery once for each time it gains the specified Condition while in range. Each model with Misery can only affect a model gaining the Condition once per Activation. As Misery is a “may” Ability, the player controlling the models with Misery chooses which model will affect the target for each Condition gained.
Q. How does the Misdirection Ability work? Does, “suffer the effects of the Action” mean “apply the text of the Action to the chosen model,” or “whatever would have happened to this model, happens to the chosen model instead?”
A. The latter. The Misdirection Ability makes Steps 5 and 6 of Resolving Actions (pg. 23) apply to the chosen model, instead of the original target of the Action. In the event that the Initiating model does not succeed, Step 5 is skipped and therefore the effect of the Action applied to the model chosen by Misdirection would also be skipped (barring After Resolving effects).
A. No, it would only suffer the effects from Misery once for each time it gains the specified Condition while in range. Each model with Misery can only affect a model gaining the Condition once per Activation. As Misery is a “may” Ability, the player controlling the models with Misery chooses which model will affect the target for each Condition gained.
Q. How does the Misdirection Ability work? Does, “suffer the effects of the Action” mean “apply the text of the Action to the chosen model,” or “whatever would have happened to this model, happens to the chosen model instead?”
A. The latter. The Misdirection Ability makes Steps 5 and 6 of Resolving Actions (pg. 23) apply to the chosen model, instead of the original target of the Action. In the event that the Initiating model does not succeed, Step 5 is skipped and therefore the effect of the Action applied to the model chosen by Misdirection would also be skipped (barring After Resolving effects).
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